SFS/USP Return Video Capturing

SFS/USP Return Video Capturing


Marketplaces are implementing stricter regulations for SP claims. Several prominent marketplaces now require video evidence of return processing and forward order processing. They expect the video to clearly display identifiers such as AWB numbers, order IDs, invoices, or shipping labels.

The inclusion of a complete processing video is a logical improvement to Increff SFS/USP functionalities. The key innovation lies in utilizing a NAS device to store these videos since warehouse/store internet bandwidth is often limited. By using a NAS device, the limitation on internet bandwidth for video capturing is eliminated while also affording sellers full control over how long they wish to retain the captured videos.

Prerequisites and Configurations

NAS devices should be installed in the warehouse's local network.

Setting up NAS Hardware

(Video Capturing during Returns) - NAS Hardware Requirement, NAS Initial Setup & latest Print App version Installation

Configuration to Enable / Disable Video capturing for Return processing in SFS & USP

Video capturing can be enabled or disabled at store/warehouse and channel level.

To enable/ disable Video capturing for Return processing in SFS & USP, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to SFS/USP Home Page → Video Capture Configuration.

    Screenshot 2024-02-08 201506-20240208-144534.jpg
  2. Enter the NAS IP Address, Username, and Password. You can assign a Base folder name. Eg, “Share/amki”.

  3. Save the configurations. A success message would show once the configurations are saved successfully.

  4. The connection setup can be tested by clicking the button Test Connection Setup. A test video will be captured and saved in the NAS storage by the system and a test successful pop-up message will be shown.

  5. Turn on the toggles for respective channels against the store/ warehouse.

Channel Level Video Capturing toggle can be enabled only after the NAS configurations are added and saved.

Please ensure that the root folder at NAS device should be 'Share'. Post that only, the videos will be accessible in from WMS.

Please add the NAS IP Address to the Chrome flag Insecure origins treated as secure.

Video Capturing during returns

Below are the steps for Video Capturing during returns.

  1. Go to the Returns → Process Orders screen in SFS/USP.

  2. You will get the Search by Mapped Packet AWB option

  3. The system will start capturing the video as soon as the user scans the AWB in return processing.

  4. As soon as the recording starts, a video preview will appear on the screen with three possible resolutions: Mini player, Theatre mode, and Full-screen mode. One can toggle b/w these modes by hovering over the preview element.
    The below image shows the Mini player mode. This mode is floatable and can be dragged to other parts of the screen.

  5. The full-screen mode can also be used for preview as shown below.

  6. Theatre mode can also be used for preview as shown below. 

  7. As soon as the processing of all line items gets completed, or the user marks the return as complete the video capturing will stop and the video will be saved. Video will be saved for only qc fail or marked as missing items, if all line items are passed then no video will be created.

Searching and Downloading the return Videos

Below are the steps for searching and downloading the captured video for returns.

  1. Go to SFS/USP-> Search Return Orders screen

  2. Search the return order using any search filter. Eg, Channel Return Order Id, Channel, Forward Order Id, From Date/ To Date, AWB, etc.

  3. Click on the Return videos button to download the videos.

Technical Specifications







Operator scans an AWB in return processing screen


Browser sends data to increff servers and fetch data for return order processing


Increff Server sends data related to awb and return order.


Browser system opens a popup for capturing the video thru the webcam.

webcam start capturing the video. Operator continues the processing.


Once processing is completed, Video is compiled in browser, a filename and path are generated.

File name is sent to Increff server to be saved against the return order details


Video is converted to mp4 file is sent via local network to NAS drive.


Any user can access the video over the internet from NAS’s drives' online console


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