Channel App: Partner and Partner Location Creation and Updation

Channel App: Partner and Partner Location Creation and Updation

Any new Partner(Supplier or Customer) mappings can be created through Channel App. The Partner details provided in Channel App UI will be flown to OMS and the partner(Supplier or Customer) will be created at OMS along with the partner mapping required at CIMS.

The Partner Code and Partner Location Code is required in the input for Partner and Partner Location Creation/ Updation. Usually, the channels(ERPS/ Marketplaces) will have an identifier for the Partner Code and Partner Location Code. The same can be entered while creating the partner or partner locations.

Please follow below steps to add/ update the Partner and Partner Locations via Channel App.

  1. Go to Channel App-> Partner

  2. Go to Partner Form tab. Enter the Partner Code, Name, Priority. Choose the channel and Partner Type and Excess GRN Allowed flag value. Enter the Address details.

  3. Below image shows the sample Customer details added in UI.

  4. Please navigate to Partner Location Form Tab. Enter Partne Code and Partner Location Code, GSTIn. Choose Channel, Partner Type. Then, Enter the shipping/ billing address and other required details.

The Partner ID and Partner Location ID is internally generated at OMS during Partner or Partner Location creation from Channel App. This Partner ID and Partner Location ID will be different than the user inputted values because OMS generated IDs are just the internal identifiers.

The same Partner screen which is used for Partner and Partner Location Creation can also be used to update the existing Partner(Supplier or Customer) details.

All details other than Partner Code/ Partner Location Code against the channel can be updated as Partner Code/ Partner Location Code represents the channel identifiers for Partner/ Partner Location.