Logic ERP

Logic ERP

Logic is an ERP system used by some of Increff Omni clients.

This documents will describe all the interfaces which Increff Omni is integrated with Logic.

Flow Diagram

Fig 1.1 Logic Current APIs Flow Diagram


WorkFlows Supported




ItemMaster fetch


There are groups defined in logic, master have to be added to the groups so that Increff can fetch

PartyMaster fetch


There are groups defined in logic, master have to be added to the groups so that Increff can fetch

PO fetch (Delivery Note)


Delivery Note is PO for Increff Omni(one delivery note corresponds to one gate entry in WMS)

GRN posting for PO


GRN posting when a gate entry is closed.

StockTransfer fetch (STO)


company-owned stores/warehouse to warehouse transfers.

(Inward for Omni)

GRN posting for ST (STI)


GRN posting when a gate entry is closed.

B2BReturn fetch 


Non-company-owned stores to warehouse

(Inward for Omni)

GRN posting for B2BReturn


GRN posting when a gate entry is closed.

B2C Sales Posting


Two-step process:

1.Order creation in logic

2.Bill posting in logic

B2C Return posting


Completed return orders are posted to logic

B2B2C sales posting


This flow is specifically for the AJIO B2B-B2C model. Increff posts Ajio orders when they are fulfillable in Increff OMS. These orders remain on-hold in OMS. Then e-invoice needs to be created in logic and posted to increff back.

B2B Sales order fetch


While fetching sale orders, logic returns both b2b and b2c sales orders and increff filters the b2b sale order using the order prefix.

B2B Sales order Posting


Completed b2b sale orders are posted to logic

Purchase return order fetch



Purchase Return outward posting.


Had some issues with associating the order to QC fail/pass inventory.


Client has to provide following values:

  1. Logic Url, username, password

  2. BranchCode for warehouses.

  3. TaxRuleFieldName: In the logic’s article master Json which is fetched by the logic-app, for every client there is a field in which the tax rule ispopulated. So we need the field name before going live. E.g.: for client_x, tax rule comes in the field named: “groupName5”

  4. Tax rules mapping with increff tax rules

  5. Grn_prefix,godown_name : is needed if stockTransferflow is going live

  6. Rcu_mem_prefix, b2cOrderPrefix, default.rcu.mobile.number, default.rcu.first.name: needed if b2c and b2cReturn is going live

  7. B2bOrderPrefix: needed if b2b outward flow is going live. B2B and B2C order prefix cannot be the same because we differentiate orders on the basis of prefix.


Article Master Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pulls article masters from logic using GlobalModifyCode.

Onboarding requirements

  1. Tax rule Field name in logic

  2. Tax rule mapping

  3. Custom field mapping

  4. globalModifyCode from which the fetch is to be started (default is 0)

Configuration on Logic side

As all article masters are not needed for warehouse, a group is to be created in Logic and only those article will come in API response when pulled by Increff Omni

Party Master Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pulls suppliers and customers from Logic. Depending on the account Type (SU or CU), respective party is created in Increff Omni. Currently both the shipping and billing address of a party is set as first address from logic.

Omni Onboarding requirements

globalModifyCode from which the fetch is to be started.(default 0)

Configuration needed on Logic side

As there can be many parties in Logic but not every party is needed, so groups to be created in Logic such that only required parties are fetched by Increff Omni

PO Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni Pulls delivery notes using GlobalModifyCode only

Omni Onboarding requirements

globalModifyCode from which the fetch is to be started (default is 0)

GRN Posting against PO

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pushes the GRN details when the gate entry is closed. As Logic does not have different fields for QC Pass and QC fail qty, Increff Omni sends sum of (QC Pass + QC Fail) in the GRN One delivery note only supports one gateEntry as of now. Logic Itself picks the Prefix required.

Omni Onboarding requirements

  1. GRN prefix to be configured in Increff Logic proxy module.

  2. Godown Name.

STO Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pulls all the stock transfers which are coming to the warehouse. This is fetched on Warehouse Level that means multiple warehouse is also supported. With the account master sync, Increff Omni is maintaining a mapping of account and branchCodes for the Branches and uses this mapping to create order in Increff Omni.

GRN Posting against STO

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pushes the GRN details when the gate entry is closed. As Logic does not have different fields for QC Pass and QC fail qty. Increff Omni send sum of (QC Pass + QC fail) in the GRN One delivery note only supports one gateEntry as of now. Increff Omni keeps one GRN prefix saved and used that for all the GRNs against Stock Transfers. Increff Omni sends branchCode of the warehouse and the accountCode of the branch from where the transferOut was done.

B2B Return Order Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pulls B2B returns on warehouse level.

This is done using globalModifyCode.

B2B Return GRN

Logic Endpoint



When Gate entry is closed in Increff Omni, Increff Omni asynchronously syncs the GRN information with Logic.

B2B Order Creation

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni pulls all the sales orders from logic and filter outs the B2B orders using the order prefix.

This is fetched using globalModifyCode.

B2B Order Invoicing (Billing)

Logic Endpoint



When order is marked completed in Increff Omni, Increff Omni asynchronously sync the bill information with Logic.

B2C Order Posting

B2C Posting involved two steps.

B2C Order Creation in Logic System

Logic Endpoint



Increff Omni first creates a sale order in Logic system with a B2C order Prefix common for all the marketPlaces. While creating the order, Increff Omni also sends the customer details and if customer details are not given by the marketPlace, Increff Omni sends default customer details (dummy) and the gst_stateCode.

This posting of B2C orders happens once the order is marked complete in Increff Omni system.

Configuration needed on Logic side

  1. One B2C orderFix to be configured

  2. Two AccountCodes per channel

  3. Default B2C name and phone number

B2C Billing in Logic System

Logic Endpoint



Then Increff Omni create an Invoice for the B2C already created

B2C Return Posting

Logic Endpoint



For every B2C Return order which is completed in Increff Omni, Increff Omni Trigger a call to Logic system.






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