
Previously, only the Channel Serial Number could be updated in listings. Now, CIMS also supports updating the Channel SKU ID in listings. The API support is also available to update the listings.

Our enhanced listings upload feature now allows you to effortlessly correct your listings as needed, eliminating the need for manual intervention from the Increff Omni Success team. No more invalidations and re-uploads; take control of your listings with ease.

Steps to update the Channel Listings

Please follow the below steps to update the channel listings.

  1. Go to CIMS-> Manage Listings screen.

  2. Go to Update Listing tab

  3. Download the CSV template. The CSV template looks as shown.

  4. Please remove 2nd line and add the details.

    1. channelSkuId represents the current Channel SKU ID.

    2. modifiedChannelSkuId represents the updated value for Channel SKU ID. [ADDED FUNCTIONALITY]

    3. modifiedChannelSerialNo represents the updated value for Channel Serial No

    4. expiryToleranceInDays represents the updated value for expiryToleranceInDays

  5. Please upload the template.


Please check this to know steps to follow in below cases where Channel SKU ID in listings update feature will help:

  1. If a listing for Client SKU X was wrongly added, Eg, Serial Number/ Channel SKU should be CSKU-VAL but it was wrongly added as CSKU-INVAL. In this case, we can use the update listing feature and directly update the listing
    with new channel SKU.

  2. If a listing for Client SKU X was wrongly added, Eg, Channel SKU should be CSKU-X but it was wrongly added as CSKU-Y. Also, consider CSKU-X is already mapped to some other client SKU Y. In this case, we can use the update listing feature and first invalidate the listing for client SKU Y to some different value(say CSKU-X-INVALIDATED) and post that we can update the listing for Client SKU X with channel SKU as CSKU-X. Invalidation of listings mean updating listings keeping the channel SKU as a random value. Reason: Duplicate Channel SKU IDs can’t exist for a client channel pair.

Similarly other scenarios can be handled using Update Channel listings by invalidating a listing or updating a listing.

Please check this to know steps to follow in below cases where Channel SKU ID in listings update feature will help:

  1. If a listing for Client SKU X was wrongly added, Eg, Serial Number/ Channel SKU should be CSKU-VAL but it was wrongly added as CSKU-INVAL. In this case, we can use the update listing feature and directly update the listing
    with new channel SKU.

  2. If a listing for Client SKU X was wrongly added, Eg, Channel SKU should be CSKU-X but it was wrongly added as CSKU-Y. Also, consider CSKU-X is already mapped to some other client SKU Y. In this case, we can use the update listing feature and first invalidate the listing for client SKU Y to some different value(say CSKU-X-INVALIDATED) and post that we can update the listing for Client SKU X with channel SKU as CSKU-X. Invalidation of listings mean updating listings keeping the channel SKU as a random value. Reason: Duplicate Channel SKU IDs can’t exist for a client channel pair.

Similarly other scenarios can be handled using Update Channel listings by invalidating a listing or updating a listing.


New APIs


Reference Links

Update Channel Listings API for ERP Channels (Beta)

This API can be used by ERP system to update the listings for ERP Channels in Increff system.

  • This API will be used only by the ERP system to update the listings of the ERP type channel created in Increff system.

  • This API can be used to update the ChannelSkuId and ChannelSerialCod attribute values for a particular listing.

Update Channel Listings API for ERP Channels (Beta)