A new channel type named EFS has now been added. This channel represents any integrated External Fulfillment System using Increff OMS APIs.

Create an EFS channel in CIMS

Please follow these steps to create an EFS channel in CIMS.

  1. Go to CIMS-> Settings->Client Channel.

  2. Click on Add New Client Channel Pair button.

  3. Select Client name. Select Channel Type as EFS from the dropdown, before this release the radio input was present instead of a dropdown field. Choose the configured Channel ID

  4. The remaining steps will remain as usual.

Combined ERP Channel Mapping screen & POS Channel Mapping screens

Previously, we had separate ERP Channel Mapping screen & POS Channel Mapping screens as shown below.

Now, we have combined ERP Channel Mapping screen & POS Channel Mapping screens.

View Channel mapping for EFS and configure EFS Updates

Please follow the below steps to view Channel mappings.

  1. Go to CIMS-> Settings->Channel Mapping.

  2. Choose the channel type as EFS.

  3. Select the Client and Chanel Pair. The Channel names and IDs will be displayed for the selected channel type.

  4. The Updates to EFS with respect to the selected channel can be enabled/ disabled

Access EFS Channel mapping screen from the Edit Client Channel screen

For the EFS channel type, a button to View EFS Channel Mappings is displayed on the UI. The button redirects to the Channel Mapping screen & the Channel Type and Client ID will be pre-filled.