This API will call the channel with ASN details.
This API will call the channel with ASN information.
{ "channelOrderCode": "ORD123", "locationCode": "LOC456", "messageId": 123456, "asnCode": "ASN789", "generatedAsnId": "ASN789XYZ", "invoiceNo": "INV123", "expectedShipmentArrivalTime": "2023-06-29T15:30:00.000Z", "acceptedShipmentArrivalTime": "2023-06-29T15:30:00.000Z", "asnItems": [ { "channelSkuCode": "SKU001", "proposedQty": 10, "approvedQty": 8, "poFulfilledQty": 5 } ] } |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify the order | no |
| String | Code used by channels to identify a warehouse | no |
| String | Unique Id with which the shipment arrives in the warehouse. | No |
| Long | Unique Identifier of a message ( for de-duplication ) | no |
| String | Unique code to identify the corresponding advanced shipment notice(ASN) | No |
| String | Id of the ASN generated | No |
| String | Time by when the shipment is expected to arrive at warehouse | No |
| String | Time when the shipment arrives at warehouse | no |
| Object[] | List of items in ASN | no |
| String | Code to uniquely identify an SKU | No |
| Integer | Qty of an SKU proposed. | no |
| Integer | Quantity of an SKU approved for ASN | no |
| Integer | Quantity of an SKU fulfilled in ASN | no |
{ "hasError":false, "errorMessage":"message" } |
HttpStatus : 200