What is Kitting?

Kitting is an inventory technique where individual, but related, products are packaged and shipped together as a single bundle.

Kitting in a warehouse is the physical act of finding multiple SKUs, bundling them into a single package, and creating a new SKU numbers for that package before shipping. This involves warehouse workers picking multiple products and bringing them to an assembly area where they are packed together and shipped.

Why to use Kitting for Bulk orders?

Kitting is used by most e-commerce fulfillment brands to lower warehouse and packing costs when shipping the goods in form of physical bundles.

How can you use Kitting for optimising the warehouse operations?

You can refer to below to understand how can you leverage Kitting functionality in your day-to-day WMS operations.

SKU Master Creation

The current functionality of Virtual combo definition will remain as it is but virtual combo definition will be relabeled to Bundle definition.

Users can use the Products screen under Masters section in Increff OMS UI to create and update the Bundled SKU definition.

Bundle SKU Definition
For defining new Bundled SKUs in the OMS system, users need to create the Products in the product masters from Increff OMS UI or from external system (ERP/PIM) using Create Article Masters API

Once the Products are created, user can go to Bundled SKU definition screen to define the Bundled SKUs by following below steps:

  1. Select the Client from the Client dropdown for which the Products were created in the Product master

  2. Download the CSV file and add the data for the SKUs and Qty.

  3. Upload the CSV file in the UI

  4. Click on Submit button to confirm the Bundle SKU definition

You can also use Create Bundled SKU Definition API to create the Bundled defintion for the products



  • For B2C order having Pack type as PIECE, the Bundle definition will work as the Virtual SKU used to work.

    • Exisiting Virtual SKU defintions will be updated as Bundle SKU definitions.

  • For B2B orders having pack type as BULK, bundle definition will be used for kitting.

  • Marketplace Listing will allowed to be created both against B2B & B2C marketplaces for Bundled type SKUs, there would be no need to maintain the listings for Virtual and KIT SKUs, it would be catered using Bundled SKU definiton


  • For B2C order having Pack type as PIECE, the Bundle definition will work as the Virtual SKU used to work.

    • Exisiting Virtual SKU defintions will be updated as Bundle SKU definitions.

  • For B2B orders having pack type as BULK, bundle definition will be used for kitting.

  • Marketplace Listing will allowed to be created both against B2B & B2C marketplaces for Bundled type SKUs, there would be no need to maintain the listings for Virtual and KIT SKUs, it would be catered using Bundled SKU definiton

Updation of Bundled SKU Definition

Bundle SKU definition can be only updated if there are no Outward orders for the Bundle SKU and no inventory is inwarded for the child SKUs in Increff OMS system.

Users can reach out to omni.support@increff.com or raise a Freshdesk support ticket for such requests

API Changes
Below changes will be done in the existing Increff Standard APIs related to Kitting workflow:

  1. Create Article Master API : isBundled Flag is introduced at SKU level.

  2. A new API for Search Bundled SKU Definition is introduced.

  3. Pack Order API: Updates made in exisiting API

  4. Event Notifications: Updates are made in the below APIs

    1. Post Order List

    2. Outward Order Notification (ERP and POS)

    3. Returns Order Notification (ERP and POS)

    4. Outward Order Notifications to EFS (OMS API)

    5. Return Order Notifications to EFS (OMS API)

For more details, Please refer to Increff Standard APIs section

Order Creation

Bulk orders can be created from Increff OMS user interface or using API integration in the same way like presently but there are few things to be taken care of which are mentioned below:

  1. Creating Outward Order from Increff OMS Create outward order screen: While creating the outward bulk order from Increff OMS, the user must set the Kit Required toggle to ON as mentioned below.

  2. Creating Outward Order using API Integration with Increff OMS: In case the orders are created by an external system (ERP/B2B Marketplace etc.), then the Additional configurations must be completedwith help of Increff Customer Support team.

Picklist release

Bulk Picklist release screen will show a Identifier/tag to highlight if the SKU belongs is a Bundled SKU and belongs to a Kit to highlight which SKUs are non bundle SKUs.

For an order having both NON KIT SKU and KIT SKUs, users can now have below options for releasing picklist:


Note: If a KIT SKU line has more than 50 Qty, then it is advised to release picklist for one SKU line at a time in order to avoid failure in Picklist release.

In case Picklist release process fails, user will receive a pop-up to retry the failed batches of picklist release process again.

Note: If a KIT SKU line has more than 50 Qty, then it is advised to release picklist for one SKU line at a time in order to avoid failure in Picklist release.

In case Picklist release process fails, user will receive a pop-up to retry the failed batches of picklist release process again.

Additonal Remarks:

  • If an Order has Bundled SKUs and NON KIT SKUs as well which might be part of a bundle then the user has the option of Pick to Box directly which allows him to pick the NON KIT SKU and directly map it to Packboxes (Packbox barcodes can be generated from Packing desk as usual)

  • Later on the user will bundle the child SKUs by moving them to Kitting desk, this avoids the manual sorting between KIT SKU and NON KIT SKUs.

  • Interim in parallel, users can also do picking for KIT SKUs in Bulk picking screen for optmisied picking efficiencies


Bulk Picking

Users can facilitate the Bulk Picking process in below ways:

Users can also use Pick to Box functionality to directly pick NON KIT SKU items and map them to packboxes

Additionally , Order and Batch picking will now allow also users to pick only KIT SKU or NON KIT SKU items as well by choosing from dropdown options → ALL, KIT and NON KIT if there is a need for optimising warehouse operations.


Pick list suggestion data will have the information if the item for the SKU which needs to be picked corresponds to the KIT SKU or a NON KIT SKU.


Note: For order having kitting items, Cluster Picking workflow will not be supported.

Note: For order having kitting items, Cluster Picking workflow will not be supported.

Sorting and Consolidation (Upcoming in future versions)


This feature will be upcoming in future versions of Increff WMS and not available for now.

This feature will be upcoming in future versions of Increff WMS and not available for now.

Using pigeonhole

Pigeonhole will not be mandatory for kitting workflow. This can be used when the kits to be created are vary across multiple SKUs. Alternatively the picker can take all items to the kitting desk and system will give suggestions for creating kits.

For pigeon hole on scan of any item the system will derive basis the existing items in the pigeon hole and allocate either an empty one or allocated one.

In parallel to sorting the items to items to be kitted together we will provide the workflow where one can do picking on the pigeon holes and take them to the kitting desk.

Without pigeonhole

On Kitting Screen, Operator will scan any item and it will show the a list of next eligible SKUs to scan for making kits.

Kitting and De-Kitting Process


This section will help you understand the process of physical kitting and Kit label generation.

Once the child items are picked by the operators which will be used for creating the physical kits, the items will be moved to the Kitting desk. From here on, physical kits will be created and Kit labels will be generated.


Note: The items of each SKU needs to be sorted manually till the Pigeonhole Sorting workflow is not launched.

Note: The items of each SKU needs to be sorted manually till the Pigeonhole Sorting workflow is not launched.

We have introduced a new section of Kitting in WMS user interface containing below screens to carry out Kitting process effectively:

Kitting Process

Users can go to Kitting Desk screen to kit the physical child items picked from warehouse and follow below steps:

  1. User will scan a ItemCode of any Child Item (which should be a bundled SKU) and System will show options of all the possible Kit suggestions which can be made along with the remaining qty of child SKUs that can be scanned to form the possible KITs.
    On Scanning of the next Item barcodes the system will progressively show what all remaining Product SKUs can be scanned to create the possible KIT.


Note: If the Item is not a Bundled SKU, then user will get a notification to move the item directly to packing desk.

Note: If the Item is not a Bundled SKU, then user will get a notification to move the item directly to packing desk.

  1. Once all the Child items of the bundle are scanned, the Create Kit button will be enabled.

  2. Once user will click Create Kit button, KIT Item code or KIT label will be generated which will be pasted on the physical Kit.

  3. The functionality of printing the customised Kit labels will be synced from Increff InSc and users will be having the option to define custom label template for any channel configured in Increff OMS/CIMS.

Kit Label Configuration

In Kitting Desk screen there are configurations available for printing of Kit Item barcodes and Kit Labels

Users can choose from below two configurations:

  1. Print/Generate Kit Item: If enabled, this will generate and print a Kit Item Barcode for the physical KIT, users can paste it on the Physical KIT and carry out the further operations (packing and invoicing) using Kit item barcodes just like normal item barcodes in case of non-bundled SKUs.

  2. Print/Generate Kit Label: If enabled, this will generate and print a Kit Label Barcode for the physical KIT, users can paste it on the Physical KIT and carry out the further operations (packing and invoicing) using Kit item barcodes just like normal item barcodes in case of non-bundled SKUs.

    The Kit labels can be customised in InSc basis on following data points:

In case the Kit labels are not printed properly or torn-off or require regeneration, Users can use the Search Kit Label screen to look for the Kit labels by scanning the Kit Item Code




  • Kit Labels will be generated only if they are configured in Increff InSc (Increff serial barcodes generation platform), this is applicable for the customers which are using InSc

  • Product masters and Channel listings will be auto synced from Increff Omni to InSc.

De-Kitting process of Physical Kits

For the process of De-kitting, we have introduced a new screen named as De-Kitting Desk to debundle the individual items from the physically created KITs.


This is required to be done since there is no provision of storing the physical KITs currently in Increff WMS.

This is required to be done since there is no provision of storing the physical KITs currently in Increff WMS.

De-Kitting process will be required in following cases:

  1. In case of Pre pack or Post pack cancellation of some items of bulk order or shipment received, De-kitting is required to putaway the individual items back to make their inventory saleable again.

  2. In case Lost KITs are being found in the warehouse operator, De-Kitting is required to putaway the individual items back to make their inventory saleable again.

  3. In case wrong items are kitted due to human error, De-kitting is required to Re-Kit the correct items again.

Users can follow below steps simply to carry out the process of De-Kitting:

  1. Go to De-Kitting Desk screen under Kitting section in Increff WMS UI.

  2. Scan the KIT Item barcode or the Individual Item Barcode (if available) for which you want to start the De-kitting process.

  3. Select the KIT created in the screen to and Start De-Kitting button will be visible.

  4. Click on Start De-Kitting button and you will see the SKUs for which Item barcodes needs to be scanned.

  5. Scan the Individual item barcodes if available on products or re-print the Item barcodes of child/individual items using the Re-Print Items button available in each Child SKU suggestion display.

  6. As soon as even one of the child item barcodes are scanned, user will be able to see Complete De-Kitting button and Complete De-Kitting button & Go to Recycle Desk buttons.

    1. If user clicks on Complete De-Kitting button then whatever Child Item codes have scanned will be eligible for re-putaway from WMS Recycle Desk screen and rest of the items will be marked as LOST

    2. User can click on Complete De-Kitting button & Go to Recycle Desk button to directly move to recycle desk screen and re-putway the items back in the bins.

REPRINTED ITEM CODE 1222389720 (1).jpeg

During De-Kitting process below scenarios are possible:

  • Either Item barcodes for child items are intact then the same can be scanned at the time of de-kitting.

  • Else if the item barcodes are not there physically on the products then users can generate the same for all the child SKUs from De-Kitting desk screen

Bulk Packing and Invoicing

The process of bulk packing and invoice remains as usual as of today but below things should noted for Bundled SKUs:


Cancellation Workflow For Kitted Products

What’s not in current Scope?

Storage Kitting is not available

Currently the individual products for which Bundled definition exists in the Product masters can be Kitted physically and shipped against the Bulk Sale orders, but in case of cancellations or returns currently there is no provision to store the physical bundles/Kits in the warehouse.

Users need to mandatorily De-kit the items in case of cancellations to putaway back in warehouse bins and need to debundle the KIT physically while receiving the returns and can carry Inward GRN process.

Kit Pigeonhole Sorting is not available but will be released in future versions

Currently in case there are bulk orders having the bundle SKUs with large number of child/individual SKUs along with NON KIT SKUs then there would be a need of manual Sorting of items in the warehouse since the Pigeonhole Sorting is not yet released with the current version of Increff WMS.

However it would be definetely available in upcoming versions of Increff WMS.

Additional Configurations (In case bulk orders are created using API Integration)

In case the Bulk orders are going to be created from API Integration, below configuration is required to be completed with help of Increff Customer Support team.

Update Channel Configuration in Champ

In order to support the Bundle SKUs in Bulk orders, the Bundle type onfiguration in Champ for the respective channel must be set as KIT. Below steps can be followed to do this activity:

  1. Go to Increff Champ UI

  2. Search for the Channel mapping created which will be used for Bulk order creation using API integration.

  3. Update the Bundle Type configuration to KIT.

  4. Go to Increff CIMS UI , Navigate to the respective Client-Channel Pair in CIMS and Refresh the Channel credentials.

  5. Now the Bulk orders with Bundle SKUs can be created using the API Integration.


Q1: What is the purpose of kitting for bulk orders?

Q2: How do I create a bundled SKU definition in the system?

Q3: Can I update the bundled SKU definition after creation?

Q4: What happens if I need to cancel a kit after it has been created?

Q5: Can I generate custom kit labels?

Q6: What should i do if there are huge number of Kit SKUs belonging to one B2B order?

Q7: What should I do if there’s a failure during the picklist release for KIT SKUs?

Q8: Can I de-kit items after packing?