We are pleased to announce the latest features and enhancements introduced in Assure.
Following feature enhancements are covered in this update:
Pack box level dimension capturing and box-label generation for B2B orders.
Return Item processing before receiving the Return Order Expectation from the Marketplaces or without uploading the Return Orders through CIMS.
GSTIN and Warehouse address in the Manifest document.
Added options to Reprint Bin ID and Item ID stickers.
Added support for running warehouse operations on QR Code stickers.
Manufacturable Skus Inventory allocation on SLA
Pack box dimensions can be captured using the WMS Capture Packet Dimensions screen.
An optional Remarks field is also provided for specifying custom box-level remarks.
For a pack box whose dimensions have been captured, a Box-Label document can be generated. This document will contain Box dimensions, Box remarks, Box ID, Channel Order ID and Shipping address details.
For more information, please refer to B2B Pack Box Dimensions and Box Label Document
Return Packets received in the warehouse can be processed before receiving the Return Order Expectation from the Marketplaces or without uploading the Return Orders through CIMS.
Items which are processed without the Return Order Expectation can be mapped later to the Return Order Expectation when it is received.
For more information, please refer to Return Processing without Return Order Expectation
Each type of sticker can be configured with one of the below barcode types:
1D Barcode (default)
QR code with text
QR code without text
For more information, please refer to Configure Barcode Type for Stickers
Fig 1.1: QR Code with Text Fig 1.2: QR Code without Text
⚠️ NOTE: QR code configuration is available when Print Smaller Stickers configuration is ON.
Status field is added for each AWB (or Return Gate Entry Item) which is received for the selected Return Gate Entry.
Return Gate Entry Item Status can have four different values, which are as follows:
RECEIVED: Initial status, once the return packet is received in the warehouse.
REJECTED: Status in case the return packet is not expected to be processed for the given warehouse.
PROCESSING: Status in case at least one of the items in the return packet is received in the warehouse.
PROCESSED: Status in case all items in the return packet are received in the warehouse.
The screen is split into two different tabs.
The existing Return Order Search functionality is included in the search With Expectation tab. This tab should be used for searching the Return Order Expectation through different parameters.
A new tab to Search Without Expectation is introduced, which can be used to search the Return Order Items that are received / processed without any Return Order Expectation.
For more information, please refer to the Search Return Orders.
Introduced auto-focus on Packing Material SKU field in Capture Package Details popup.
The following enhancements are made for warehouses with Split Piece Packing configuration turned ON:
On scanning the Box ID in Scan Outward Box tab, the system will automatically
Trigger Complete Packing
Print Gift Label(s) (if any)
Generate and Print Invoice and Shipping Label
In case of an error, any of the above steps can be performed manually using the action buttons available on the screen.
Packing Material SKU can now be captured during Create Shipment (in Scan Items tab) instead of during Complete Packing (in Scan Outward Box tab).
Please contact assure.support@increff.com to get Split Piece Packing configuration turned ON, as this configuration is enabled / disabled from the backend.
The scanned box IDs along with the captured dimensions will be visible below the Box ID textbox.
Fig 2: Dimensions of scanned Boxes during Bulk Order Handover
The configurable fields in each stickers can be customized based on the following parameters:
Normal (default)
Right (default)
For more information, please refer to Configure Values in Stickers
Channel ID can be printed on B2C Outward Box ID stickers based on the configuration in the Printer Settings screen. For more information, please refer to Configure Channel ID in B2C Outward Box ID sticker
The following options are available in the screen:
Reprint Item ID
Reprint Bin ID
Print Location / Pigeon hole ID
Print Documents
For more information, please refer to Reprint Stickers / Documents
A new screen Map Return Expectation To Received Return is added under Orders category in OMS.
The Return Order Expectation (which is either synced from the Marketplace or uploaded in CIMS) can be mapped to the Return Order Items processed without expectation.
For more information, please refer to the Map Return Expectation To Received Return
Added GSTIN and Warehouse Address in Manifest document in case the document is generated by Assure.
Security Enhancement - Removed all vulnerable information from the package.json file (such as the deployment bucket URL, dependency details, build & deploy scripts). The package.json file now contains only the UI version details.
Inventory allocation strategy in ASSURE has been changed in following ways:
For orders containing at least one manufacturable SKU, the order with less SLA will be assigned the inventory first irrespective of the order status.
For all partially allocated B2B orders and UNFULFILLABLE orders, the orders with less SLA will be assigned inventory first.
Following new reports are added in this update:
Returns : Return Order Item Pendency Report
Returns : Item returned multiple times - WMS
Productivity : B2C Hour wise Productivity Report - WMS
Outwards : B2C Pendency Dashboard - WMS
Following Enhancements have been made to existing reports:
Report | Field added / Modified |
Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS | Shipping Value |
Outwards : Order Status Report Detail - OMS | Shipping Charge |
Outwards : Outward Summary Report | Pincode. Removed Columns : Length, Breadth, Height, Weight |
Outwards : Outwards at Box ID Level - WMS | Length, Breadth, Height, Weight |
Outwards : Shipped Order Items Detail Report - WMS | Length, Breadth, Height, Weight |
Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS | Excess Returns, Returns Processed Without Expectations, Channel Return Item ID |
Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS | Excess Returns, Returns Processed Without Expectations, Channel Return Item ID. Removed the following columns as it is not relevant : Total base price, total tax, total sale price(Total values are not relevant as each line corresponds to single item) and Return Received date (same as Return Item Status Updated Time for received items). |
Returns : Gate entry Report - OMS | Order ID, Received Return Order ID, Expected Return Order ID, Expected Return Mapped |
Storage : Inventory Ageing Report | QC_Status, Max bucket split (365-547 days, >547 days) |
Report | Filter added |
Outwards : B2C Order Status Dashboard By SLA Date - OMS | SLA Filter made as Timestamp |
Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS | System Invoice ID |
Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS | Returns Expectations, Order ID, ReturnGateEntryItemID |
Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS | Returns Expectations, Order ID, ReturnGateEntryItemID |
Return Processed Without Expectation : This field tells whether the returns were processed without any expectation.
Excess Returns :
If there is no return Order expectation this value is null.
If return order exists (i.e return_order_id is not null)
True : In case this item is not present in expected return item
False: In case this item is present in expected return item
Returns Expectations : We have introduced a new filter which lets us view all the returns together or only the unexpected returns.
This report can be used to find the maximum number of items pending that can be processed based on the Forward Order ID. This report shows SKU wise forward dispatched qty, Returns Processed / Processing and Maximum returns Pending that can be processed.
This report gives item details which have been returned more than twice in the last six months. It also provides the number of times the item was returned and consolidated reasons for returns.
This report gives hour wise Ordered qty, Picklist released qty, Picked qty, Pigeonhole Putawayed qty, Pigeonhole Picked qty, Packing qty, Shipping Label Generated qty, Manifested qty, GRN qty and Putaway qty for a selected date.
This report gives overall pendency of items in different states. This will help in checking the health of outbound operations at a single glance.
Module | User Interface Version | Application Version |
CIMS (Channel Integration Management System) | 9.3 | 8.7 |
OMS (Order Management System) | 9.4 | 11.0 |
WMS (Warehouse Management System) | 10.0 | 8.6 |
Google Chrome versions supported | 90.0 and above |
Please feel free to contact us at assure.support@increff.com