We are pleased to announce the latest features and enhancements introduced in Assure.


Following feature enhancements are covered in this update:


Key Features 

Pack box Dimensions and Box-Label

B2C Returns Processing without Return Order Expectation

QR Code configuration for Stickers

Fig 1.1: QR Code with Text Fig 1.2: QR Code without Text

⚠️ NOTE: QR code configuration is available when Print Smaller Stickers configuration is ON.

Product Usability

Map AWB to Return Gate Entry screen in WMS

Search Return Orders screen in WMS

Piece Packing screen in WMS

In case of an error, any of the above steps can be performed manually using the action buttons available on the screen.

Bulk Order Handover Screen in WMS

Fig 2: Dimensions of scanned Boxes during Bulk Order Handover

Printer Settings screen in WMS

For more information, please refer to Configure Values in Stickers

For more information, please refer to Reprint Stickers / Documents

Map Return Expectation To Received Return screen in OMS

GSTIN and Warehouse address in Manifest document.

Technology Architecture

Report Changes

Following new reports are added in this update:

Following Enhancements have been made to existing reports:

Reports in which new fields are added / modified


Field added / Modified

Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

Shipping Value 

Outwards : Order Status Report Detail - OMS

Shipping Charge

Outwards : Outward Summary Report 


Removed Columns : Length, Breadth, Height, Weight

Outwards : Outwards at Box ID Level - WMS

Length, Breadth, Height, Weight

Outwards : Shipped Order Items Detail Report - WMS

Length, Breadth, Height, Weight

Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS

Excess Returns, Returns Processed Without Expectations, Channel Return Item ID

Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS

Excess Returns, Returns Processed Without Expectations, Channel Return Item ID.

Removed the following columns as it is not relevant : Total base price, total tax, total sale price(Total values are not relevant as each line corresponds to single item)  and Return Received date (same as Return Item Status

Updated Time for received items).

Returns : Gate entry Report - OMS

Order ID, Received Return Order ID, Expected Return Order ID, Expected Return Mapped

Storage : Inventory Ageing Report

QC_Status, Max bucket split (365-547 days, >547 days)

Reports in which new filters are added/Modified


Filter added

Outwards : B2C Order Status Dashboard By SLA Date - OMS

SLA Filter made as Timestamp

Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

System Invoice ID

Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS

Returns Expectations, Order ID, ReturnGateEntryItemID

Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS

Returns Expectations, Order ID, ReturnGateEntryItemID

Fields / Filters Definitions

New Reports

Returns : Return Order Item Pendency Report

This report can be used to find the maximum number of items pending that can be processed based on the Forward Order ID. This report shows SKU wise forward dispatched qty, Returns Processed / Processing and Maximum returns Pending that can be processed.

Returns : Item returned multiple times - WMS

This report gives item details which have been returned more than twice in the last six months. It also provides the number of times the item was returned and consolidated reasons for returns. 

Productivity : B2C Hour wise Productivity Report - WMS

This report gives hour wise Ordered qty, Picklist released qty, Picked qty, Pigeonhole Putawayed qty, Pigeonhole Picked qty, Packing qty, Shipping Label Generated qty, Manifested qty, GRN qty and Putaway qty for a selected date.

Outwards : B2C Pendency Dashboard - WMS

This report gives overall pendency of items in different states. This will help in checking the health of outbound operations at a single glance.

New Version Details

User Interface Version
Application Version

CIMS (Channel Integration Management System)



OMS (Order Management System)



WMS (Warehouse Management System)



Google Chrome versions supported

90.0 and above

Have any Questions?

Please feel free to contact us at assure.support@increff.com