This document gives an overview of Increff Mobile Toolkit.

Business Model

Generally, e-commerce platforms provide exchange deals on smartphones to the users. They pick up the used phones from the users while providing the new one the user bought from them. 

Those used mobiles are now sent to third-party retailers and now need to be stocked up in warehouses. 

These mobiles are now supposed to become inventory in warehouses and available for sale to liquidators.

Image above showing iPhone X of  different grades.

Terminologies Used

Problem Statements

  1. Before the phone has arrived at the warehouse, only the original SKU of the phone (iPhoneX) that is about to arrive is known.

  2. The problem is to assign a SKU depending upon its working functionality and quality. 

  3. To do this, it has to go thorough quality check and grading and then assignment of quality grade to the phone should happen.

  4. Once the grading is done , it has to be inwarded in the warehouse and Order can be punched on the inwarded items.

How Increff Mobile Toolkit + Increff Omni can help?

Increff Mobile Toolkit

Home Page

Increff Mobile Toolkit will help in quality checks and creating the right grade for the item and will generate a new SKU based on the grade assigned to it in the following manner.

Upload Data Screen

Grade Ranks

This option creates grade name and grade rank mapping for an audit type

  1. All auditTypes will have grades, each grade will have a integrer rank.

  2. Each rank will correspond to a unique grade.

  3. Highest rank being the best and lowest being the worst

Sample file is show as below.

Fig 2. This image shows the upload data screenshot.

Inward PO

This option will take an upload of all the incoming items expectations along with the following information.

Tracking ID

Order ID

Order Date

Item ID

GEP Order


Partner Purchase Price

Partner Shop

Client Id

Base Discount

Diagnostics Discount

Storage Discount

Buyback Category

Doorstep Diagnostics

PreAudit SKU

This option creates the mapping between the itemId and the audit types. Pre Audit SKU is used to upload auditType against an itemId. This same auditType would be followed in grading of any item(AWB) of this SKU.







Grading Rules

Grading rules are predefined along with the grades to be given mapped on all possible outcomes. The grading questions input type against mobile phone skus while their grading is also uploaded via the file in the Grading Rules section. The question can have different input types from dropdown to boolean to text. Questions having endOnNo as true if marked false would stop the auditing at that point itself and assign the grade without moving onto the remaining questions.

Sample file

Master SKU

Master skus are to be uploaded which contains all the probable sku that can arrive at a warehouse for grading. Any SKU outside which is not uploaded here would not be considered for grading.


On the GRN , the user scans the inward lot id or the user can create a new lot. New lot needs to be created in case of absence of an open inward lot. AWB or Order Id of items are required to complete the grn of the items. Once the required items are received in the lot we can close it. A PDF file containing the items in the lot can be downloaded and used during the audit(grading) process.

A lot would contain only brand wise with the same mobile phones.


Audit of items can either be done piecewise or in bulk. The AWB or order id in the PDF obtained after GRN are now audited against the auditType of their SKU uploaded in pre audit SKU file.


Barcodes of the items audited gets printed on this screen.


Using this page , the user can configure the printer settings.

Increff Omni

Increff Omni is an Order Fulfilment & Warehousing platform, with integrated Order Management System (OMS), Warehouse Management System (WMS), Store Fulfilment system (SFS) and Channel Management System.

Once the grading done and final SKU gets generated. All the items gets the Increff ItemId sticker using which the GRN happens in the warehouse.

Please read more about Increff Omni on this page.