We are pleased to announce the latest features and enhancements introduced in Assure.


Following feature enhancements are covered in this update:


Key Features

Virtual Combo

Configurable SKU Attributes

Customizable QC Fail Reasons

GRN and Return Tolerance for Perishable Products

Small Sticker Printing in Assure

Product Usability

Audit Log screen in OMS

Audit Log screen in WMS 

Printer Settings screen in WMS

Manage Listings screen in CIMS

Edit Client Channel screen in CIMS

User Interface / Experience

Technology Architecture

Report Changes

We have limited the maximum number of rows that can be fetched from Jasper reports to 9 Lakh. This is to ensure that the jasper server is not overloaded by a single report to fetch huge amount of data at a time. 

New Reports 

Following new reports are added for the Virtual combo feature.

Outwards : Pending Virtual SKU Child for Shipment

This report gives, for a given shipment ID how many child sku quantities need to be packed in an order to make it fully/partially complete with respect to the virtual sku.

Storage : Virtual SKU Batch Inventory Exposure Report - OMS

This report is used to show how much consolidated inventory after min Expiry for virtual SKU is exposed.

Storage : Virtual SKU Definition Report - OMS

This report shows the definition of Virtual SKUs. I,e for a virtual sku what are the child skus and quantity of each child sku that makes up the virtual sku.

This report also allows to filter for showing virtual skus whose definition is missing.

Following Enhancements have been made to existing reports:

Reports in which new fields are added / modified


Field added

Audit : SKU audit Report - OMS


Outwards : B2B Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

Virtual SKU

Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

Virtual SKU

Outwards : Order Status Report Detail - OMS

Virtual SKU

Outwards : Packed Order Details - OMS

Virtual SKU

Outwards : SKU wise open order & Inventory available

Virtual SKU

Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS

Virtual SKU,Virtual Parent Return Order Item ID

Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS

is uploaded

Returns : Gate entry Report - OMS

AWB present for another channel’s return

Storage : Inventory Available for Sales - OMS

Virtual SKU

Storage : SKU Master - OMS

Is Virtual

Reports in which new filters are added


Filter added

Outwards : Order Status Report Detail - OMS


Outwards : Packed Order Details - OMS


Returns : Gate entry Report - OMS

Return Order Status.

Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS

Show Child SKU

Storage : Inventory Available for Sales - OMS

Virtual SKU

Storage : SKU Master - OMS

Virtual SKU

System : Assure Magic Message Posting Status - OMS

Updated From and Updated To

Fields / Filters Definitions

Virtual SKU: A virtual combo is the combination of multiple SKUs grouped together to form a virtual, logical SKU.

This Column / Filter in the report can have two possible values: True and False.

Virtual Parent Return Order Item ID: If a return order item is a child SKU and part of a virtual SKU, then we display Return Order Item ID of the virtual SKU for each child in the column Virtual Parent Return Order Item ID.

Perspective: We have introduced a new filter Perspective in a couple of reports, which let us view the report in a different perspective as stated below.

Market Place Perspective: This allows the user to see only the parent order details. i.e., we will not be showing any details with respect to child SKUs that are part of virtual sku.

Warehouse Perspective: This allows the user to only see details only related to the actual skus. i.e., this will not show any details with respect to virtual skus. Instead it shows details of all the child skus which are part of the virtual skus.

ALL: This option will let us view all the details related to normal, virtual and child skus.

New Version Details

User Interface Version
Application Version

CIMS (Channel Integration Management System)



OMS (Order Management System)



WMS (Warehouse Management System)



Google Chrome versions supported

90.0 and above

Have any Questions?

Please feel free to contact us at assure.support@increff.com