DEFAULT: Use the default behavior.
TRUE: Enable box validation.
FALSE: Disable box validation.
Clients can get this configuration enabled by raising a ticket to the Omni Support team.
By default, the value of is_close_box_validation_req is DEFAULT
Another configuration close_box_validation_type is added at the warehouse level. It’s a configuration to define the validation type during box closing. The available options are:
RE_SCAN_ITEMS: Re-scan all items in the box.
COUNT_ITEMS: Count the items in the box.
By default,
close_box_validation_type is COUNT_ITEMS. Users can get this updated by raising a ticket to the Omni Support team.
is_item_rescan_req is a box-level configuration. This field indicates if re-scanning of items is required in the box. This will be TRUE if we have added even a single item to the box during cluster picking, order picking, or sorting.
If is_close_box_validation_Req is FALSE, there will be no validations done here. The system will not ask to rescan items or count items.
If is_close_box_validation_Req is TRUE, the system checks for the close_box_validation_type flag set.
If close_box_validation_type is set as RE_SCAN_ITEMS, the system asks the user to scan all the items in the box(irrespective of the box’s is_item_rescan_req status ie, irrespective of whether items are picked through Cluster picking/ B2B Sorting/ Order picking)
If close_box_validation_type is set as COUNT_ITEMS, WMS asks the user to count the items in the box and enter the number of items. If the count is correct, the user can continue with the next workflow. But if the count of items is wrong, the user can retry counting 3 times.
Even after retrying 3 times, the count of items is not correctly entered, the user will have to mandatorily scan all items. (This step is irrespective of the box’s is_item_rescan_req status, ie irrespective of whether items are picked through Cluster picking/ B2B Sorting/ Order picking))
is_close_box_validation_Req is DEFAULT
If close_box_validation_type is set as RE_SCAN_ITEMS, WMS checks the status of is_item_rescan_req flag for the box. (If items are picked through Cluster picking/ B2B Sorting/ Order picking and added to the box, the is_item_rescan_req flag will be set to TRUE)
If the is_item_rescan_req is FALSE, then no additional step is required. Users can continue with next workflow.
If the is_item_rescan_req is TRUE, the system asks the user to scan all the items in the box.
If close_box_validation_type is set as COUNT_ITEMS, WMS checks the status of is_item_rescan_req flag for the box. (If items are picked through Cluster picking/ B2B Sorting/ Order picking and added to the box, the is_item_rescan_req flag will be set to TRUE)
If the is_item_rescan_req is FALSE, then no additional step is required. User can continue with next workflow.
If the is_item_rescan_req is TRUE, system asks user to count the items in the box and enter the number of items.
If the count is correct, user can continue with next workflow.
But if the count of items is wrong, the user can retry counting 3 times. Even after retrying 3 times, the count of items is not correctly entered, the user will have to mandatorily scan all items.
- Sindhuja Govindaraju To add a screenshot how does it look when system ask to enter count of items for validation
- Sindhuja Govindaraju To add screenshot when system asks to rescan the items again.
We believe that these changes will enhance the packing process by ensuring the accuracy of items and avoiding any potential operational issues. Please refer to the documentation or contact the support team for further assistance or clarification.