Increff Omni now supports defining Box SKU master for pack boxes used in B2B and B2C operations.
Pack Box Attributes can be defined (Capture Box Dimensions,Capture Box SKU, Capture Box Weight) while adding a new Client in Masters Settings section in OMS.
Box SKU Master data can be uploaded in Pack Box Master screen in Product Settings section in OMS
Pack Box Attributes definition while adding a new client in client masters
During the creation of a new client in OMS Clients screen in Master Settings section, a user can now define the Pack Box Attributes from (Capture Box Dimensions,Capture Box SKU, Capture Box Weight) which will ask warehouse operators to mandatory capture values of these attributes during B2B orders packing.
Following are the steps to be followed for defining Pack Box Attributes during creation of a new Client in OMS:
Go to Clients screen in Master Settings section in OMS.
Click on Add Client button.
Fill values Name and PAN details sections.
Select Pack Box Attribute type from below mentioned attributes:
Capture Box Dimensions: By selecting this user has to mandatorily capture Pack Box Dimensions during B2B packing process.
Capture Box SKU: By selecting this user has to mandatorily capture Box SKU value which is defined in Pack Box Master screen during B2B packing process.
Capture Box Weight: By selecting this user has to mandatorily capture Pack Box Weight during B2B packing process.
Fill values of Contact Details sections.
Click on Submit to create the client.
The packbox attribute defined in the OMS client is not applicable to B2C orders, It’s applicable only for B2B orders to mandatorily scan those fields and to avoid updating at Packing Configuration screen.
Moreover, the B2B Box Id scanned will determine the client against which that Order belong to. Accordingly, the fields would become mandatory as per chosen for client at OMS Clients screen.
The changes would be applicable for B2B orders created after updating the configuration in OMS Clients screen.
The B2C packing screen will exclusively display the package SKU configuration to scan which is selected by the operator in Piece Packing Configuration screen.
Pack Box Master
Box SKU masters can be uploaded in OMS Pack Box Master screen which can be used by Warehouse operators to capture the Box SKU during B2B orders packing.
Following are the steps that needs to be followed to upload the Box SKU Masters in OMS Pack Box Master screen:
Go to Pack Box Master screen in Product Settings section in OMS.
To upload new Box SKU masters, go to New tab or to update the values for an existing Box SKU ID use Edit tab.
Select Client Name.
Download the CSV file.
Fill the CSV file with values of boxSkuId, length, breadth, height, volWeight.
Upload the the CSV file and click on Submit button.
Info |
In Update tab, uploading value of BoxSkuId is mandatory. |
Capturing Pack Box Attributes in WMS
Capturing Box SKU, Box Dimensions and Box Weight
In WMS, Box SKU, Dimensions and Weight can be captured in below mentioned screens:
Bulk Packing Screen
Capture Packet Dimensions Screen
Bulk Packing Screen
If Capture Pack Box SKU attribute is selected in Clients screen configuration then Box SKU scan will be mandatory in Bulk Packing Screen.
In Bulk Packing Screen, the operators can follow the same workflow of printing a pack box ID, adding picked items to Pack Box and close the pack box.
Once the pack box is closed, the system will open a pop-up to
Capture Pack Box SKU
Once Box SKU ID is scanned, Length, Breadth, Height, and Volumetric Weight fields values will be auto populated.
Click on Submit to confirm the Box SKU ID scan.
To capture Box SKU in Capture B2B Packet Dimensions Screen following steps needs to followed:
If Capture Pack Box SKU attribute is selected in Clients screen configuration then Box SKU scan will be mandatory in Capture Packet Dimensions Screen.
After closing the Pack box user will get a pop-up to capture Box SKU ID value along with non-editable Length, Breadth, Height, and Volumetric Weight fields mapped against that Box SKU ID.
Once Box SKU ID is scanned, Length, Breadth, Height, and Volumetric Weight fields values will be auto populated.
, Box Dimensions and Weight from the user.
If any of the pack box attribute (Box SKU, Box Dimensions, Box Weight) is selected mandatorily during clients creation the system will mandatorily ask to capture value for that pack box attribute.
Users can also capture other pack box attributes by enabling them from Configurations settings even if only one of them is selected in Clients Masters screen in OMS
Capture Packet Dimensions Screen
Users can capture the Pack Box attributes in Capture B2B Packet Dimensions and Capture B2C Packet Dimensions screens in WMS.
Capture B2B Packet Dimensions
For B2B Orders Pack Boxes, user can capture Pack Box SKU attributes (Box SKU, Box Dimensions, Box Weight) in Capture B2B packet dimensions screen by scanning the Pack Box ID.
Capture B2C Packet Dimensions
For B2C Orders, user can capture the Package SKU, Dimensions and Weight by scanning the AWB of the package or Pack Box ID in Capture B2C Packet Dimensions screen.
User can capture any random Package SKU which is not part of Pack Box SKU masters in OMS
Info |
System will allow the user to capture other pack box attributes as well even if any one of pack box attributes is being selected for that client in client masters screen in OMS. |
Printing Box SKU Stickers
In order to print Box SKU scannable barcode stickers, users can use Print Pack Box SKU Stickers Screen in WMS.Following steps can be followedby providing inputs of Client name and Box SKU values.
Below mentioned is a sample Pack Box SKU sticker for reference: