Sharing this document to inform that some of the features Omni team is working on are a little behind schedule. We understand that as our customers, you might have planned your future plans on these features in your Omni software. We apologize for the delay.
Please do not hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions about the new timelines, any other details.
Reasons for Delay
General reasons
Massive effort by the Development team and QA team went into campus hiring. In taking multiple online interviews, campus visits etc. Campus hiring got closed recently.
New Joinees of last year joined our dev team around July, team herachiry got changed.
Senior SDE2 developers became leads, whose main responsibilities became planning and mentoring.
New SDE-1 were assigned all the development tasks.
This sprint was the first ever sprint after training et
This caused 4 inevitable effects as
Poor timeline estimation as new developers take more time learning the code base
More back and forth in Dev review, Strict-er code review in initial days.
More time in QA, as more small small issues. And New QAs themselves.
Difficulty in managing who is doing what, at what time. I.e Lesser visibility
Specific feature related reasons
units of
measure (UOM) and Handling
Eaches and Packs
Previously we had said that we will be able to deliver the UOM feature by ~mid of October.
We have been working on the UOM feature since around August 6th.
Reasons for delay
Unexpected edge cases in Bulk Break Part
Bulk break functionalities were not planned in depth when we communicated the timelines. Edge cases were not thrashed out for some scenarios like expiry etc. When we did that part of planning we realized that effort is a lot more than previously considered.When we started the development, we realised there are more edge cases in bulk break than what we anticipated
Major QA effort
UOM feature has major changes in Inventory reservation workflow, we are adding new buckets and doing soft allocation to support bulk break.
This means all the flows involving these line items have to be done QA. Since inventory is involved, it's almost all the inwards, outwards, returns, inventory management etc.
Expiry and Virtual combo
Expiry and Virtual combo have added a lot of complexity to current system and also a lot of new cases, which are difficult to testsolve.
Immediate Actions
JIRA Roadmaps
We are now implementing the same for our current sprint itself.
QA Data creation automation
We are moving towards full QA automation. One part of the QA team will only write new Automation test cases for new features and functionalities, the other part will just run the pre-defined scenarios for new features.
Updated Timelines
Epic or Features
Tentative Release dates
POS Integration support
Increase limits of "Print Bulk Items via CSV"
B2B picklist release search filters and Pick Order group
Order Accept / Reject Flow
Cluster picking | Pre pack staging and Pack box consolidation
Order Hopping and Store Schedule Support
Allow processing Returns of other warehouses
Multiple Units of Measure UOM and Handling, Eaches and Packs
Updated in the Public Roadmap page