Go to the Projects Section
Create a new project or select Demo Project as current project
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Data Setup
Go to the Masters the Data Module on left panenelpanel, select Master to set up data or view reports
Read about this module in the Overview tab
Click on the Inputs link
Upload the demo_store.tsv using the Store Master file upload button
Upload the demo_attributes.tsv using the Attributes Master file upload button
Upload the demo_style.tsv using the Styles Master file upload button
Upload the demo_cat_size_sets.tsv using the Size Master file upload button
Upload the demo_sku.tsv using the SKU Master file upload button
Upload the demo_sales.tsv using the Sales file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area. For large sales data, the upload can be done in multiple smaller file chunks.
(Optional) Upload the demo_parent_child_sku.tsv using the Parent Child SKU Mapping file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area.
(Optional) Upload the demo_new_store_mapping.tsv using the New Store Mapping file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area.
Click on the Outputs link
Play Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Sales Deletion allows you to delete sales for stores or period
Go to the Reports and play with various reports which show data summary at various levels
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Business Intelligence Dashboard (BI)
Click on BI Dashboards under Standard section
Read about this module in the Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module
Sales Data Cleanup
Go to the Sales Data Cleanup Module.
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Online Analytics
Click on Online Analytics under Standard section
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module
Top Sellers Module
Go to the Top Sellers Module.
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Sales Data Cleanup
Click on Planning under Pro section
Click on Sales data cleanup
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play the Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module
Ideal Assortment
Go to the Assortment Module.
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Top Sellers Module
Click on Planning under Pro section
Click on Top Seller
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play the Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module.
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Revenue Split
Click on Planning under Pro section
Click on Revenue Split Module
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Upload the demo_aop.tsv using the AOP file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module
Go to the Distribution Module
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Upload the demo_planogram.tsv using the Store Planogram file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Upload the demo_storestock.tsv using the Store Stock file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Upload the demo_whstock.tsv using the Warehouse Stock file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
(Optional) Upload the demo_cat_style_size_qty.tsv using the Category Style Size Quantity file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
(Optional) Upload the demo_key_size_override.tsv using the Key Size Override file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area.
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module.
Regional Utilization
Go to the Regional Utilization Module
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Allocation & Replenishments
Click on Distribution under Pro section
Click on Allocation & Replenishments
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link. Familiarize yourself with various Settings
Upload the demo_attributes.tsv using the Attributes Master file upload button
Upload the demo_style.tsv using the Styles Master file upload button
Upload the demo_cat_size_sets.tsv using the Size Master file upload button
Upload the demo_sku.tsv using the SKU Master file upload button
Upload the demo_ru_sales.tsv using the RU Sales file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area. For large sales data, the upload can be done in multiple smaller file chunks.
Upload the demo_partner_pin_wh_map.tsv using the Partner Pincode-Warehouse Map file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Upload the demo_ru_region_whcapacity.tsv using the Regional Warehouse Capacity file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Upload the demo_ru_region_whstock.tsv using the Regional Warehouse Stock file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Upload the demo_ru_mother_whstock.tsv using the Mother Warehouse Stock file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area
Click on the Run Algo link
Click the Run button. You can see the algorithms running in the Module Logs text area
Click on the Outputs link
Play Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module.
Business Intelligence (BI)
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Inter Store Transfer
Click on Distribution under Pro section
Click on IST
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link
Upload the demo_returns.tsv using the Returns file upload buton
Upload the demo_historical_aop.tsv using the and Historical Annual Plan (AOP) file upload button.
Upload the demo_store_stock.tsv using the and Store Stock file upload button.
Upload the demo_warehouse_stock.tsv using the and Warehouse Stock file upload button.
Upload the demo_style_attributes.tsv using the and Style Attributes file upload button.
You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area. For large returns data, the upload can be done in multiple smaller file chunks
Click on the Reports link
Play Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module.
Online Analytics
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Regional Utilization
Click on Regional Utilization under Pro section
Read about this module in the above link
Click on the Inputs link
Upload the demo_online_analytics.tsv using the Online Analytics file upload button. You can see the uploads running in the File Upload Logs text area. For large returns data, the upload can be done in multiple smaller file chunks
Click on the Reports link
Play Overview tab
Go to inputs to view/update the input files
Go to run to run the module with the configured inputs and data
Go to Reports and play with various reports which show you various outputs of this module.
For detailed walkthrough please refer to the below video:
Thats It !
If you have successfully executed all the steps above, then you should have learnt how to navigate and use this technology. You can now start using IRIS MS Pro for your own data, by following these steps: