Outbound | POST | {Client’s URL}
This API will call the channel with return order processing details.
This API will call the channel with return order processing details.This API will only get triggered after the return order is received and processed.
Here shipments
object mention in payload represents the foward order information.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"partnerCode": "AZ123",
"locationCode": "ABCDEF",
"partnerLocationCode": "AZ1234",
"channelName": "AMAZON",
"returnOrderCode": "H893RUOT123",
"forwardOrderCode": "Dx784si",
"returnCreationTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00",
"returnGateEntryCreationTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00",
"messageId": 12345,
"paymentMethod": "COD",
"returnOrderType": "RETURN_TO_ORIGIN",
"eventTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00",
"consignmentNumber": "con1",
"awbNumber": "awb1",
"items": [
"itemCode": "ic123",
"returnReason": "size misfit",
"channelSkuCode": "100007542",
"returnItemCode": "11561839017",
"returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED",
"qcStatus": "FAIL",
"qcReason": "DAMAGED",
"imageUrls": [
"sellingPricePerUnit": 20.0,
"isExcess": true,
"virtualSkuChildItemReturnPostings": [
"omsReturnItemId": "oms_124A43",
"returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED",
"channelSkuCode": "1234",
"qcStatus": "FAIL",
"qcReason": "DAMAGED",
"barcode": "bar1"
"bundledSkuChildItemReturnPostings": [
"barcode": "string",
"channelSkuCode": "string",
"omsReturnItemId": 0,
"qcReason": "string",
"qcStatus": "PASS",
"returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED"
"shipments": [
"shipmentCode": "UIfd897",
"locationCode": "loc1",
"generatedInvoiceId": "AR105044395",
"generatedInvoiceDate": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00",
"externalInvoiceId": "FK56556GH45",
"externalInvoiceDate": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00",
"invoiceDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/invoice123.pdf",
"irn": "a429746e34d844c9d2cb2a6f68997d1c2af23987cc834f3b55da45d1b0bc27c0",
"qrCode": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs",
"shippingLabelDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/sldoc.pdf",
"shipmentStatus": "MANIFESTED",
"shipmentItems": [
"channelSkuCode": "100000789702",
"orderItemCode": "item123",
"channelDiscount": 122.45,
"netTaxAmountPerUnit": 60,
"netTaxAmountTotal": 120,
"baseSellingPricePerUnit": 500,
"baseSellingPriceTotal": 1000,
"sellingPricePerUnit": 560,
"sellingPriceTotal": 1120,
"quantity": 2,
"taxItems": [
"type": "SGST",
"rate": 6,
"taxPerUnit": 30,
"taxTotal": 60
"type": "CGST",
"rate": 6,
"taxPerUnit": 30,
"taxTotal": 60
"channelSkuCode": "100000734701",
"orderItemCode": "item124",
"netTaxAmountPerUnit": 60,
"netTaxAmountTotal": 120,
"baseSellingPricePerUnit": 500,
"baseSellingPriceTotal": 1000,
"sellingPricePerUnit": 560,
"sellingPriceTotal": 1120,
"quantity": 2,
"shippingChargePerUnit": 10.0,
"taxItems": [
"type": "SGST",
"rate": 6,
"taxPerUnit": 30,
"taxTotal": 60
"type": "CGST",
"rate": 6,
"taxPerUnit": 30,
"taxTotal": 60
"virtualSkuDefinitions": [
"virtualParentChannelSkuId": "ch_sku",
"virtualParentBarcode": "bar",
"childSkus": [
"channelSkuCode": "ch_sku",
"qty": 47,
"barcode": "shoe14h124"
"bundledSkuDefinitions": [
"childSkus": [
"barcode": "string",
"channelSkuCode": "string",
"qty": 0
"bundledParentBarcode": "string",
"bundledParentChannelSkuId": "string"
"shippingAddress": {
"name": "Sender's Name",
"line1": "Line Address 1",
"line2": "Line Address 2",
"line3": "Line Address 3",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"zip": "zip",
"country": "country",
"email": "abc@gmail.com",
"phone": "9999999999"
"billingAddress": {
"name": "customer",
"line1": "address line 1",
"line2": "address line 2",
"line3": "address line 3",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"zip": "560076",
"country": "INDIA",
"email": "abc@gmail.com",
"phone": "9999999999"
"orderCustomAttributes": {
"attribute1": "1",
"attribute2": "2",
"attribute3": "3",
"attribute4": "4",
"attribute5": "5",
"attribute6": "6",
"attribute7": "7",
"attribute8": "8",
"attribute9": "9",
"attribute10": "10",
"channelMetadata": "gg",
"currency": "INR"
"orderItemCustomAttributes": [
"barcode": "string",
"channelSkuCode": "string",
"orderItemCode": "string",
"orderItemCustomAttributes": {
"attribute1": "1",
"attribute2": "2",
"attribute3": "3",
"attribute4": "4",
"attribute5": "5",
"attribute6": "6",
"attribute7": "7",
"attribute8": "8",
"attribute9": "9",
"attribute10": "10",
"channelMetadata": "gg"
} |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | This is customer code in channel | yes |
| String | This is the code of the location of the customer in the channel. | yes |
| String | Location code of the warehouse where the return order will be received. | yes |
| String | This is marketplace name | yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify the forward order | yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify the return order | yes |
| Long | Unique Identifier of a notification ( for de-duplication) | Yes |
| String | Possible values - COD, NCOD | yes |
| String | Possible values- RETURN_TO_ORIGIN,CUSTOMER_RETURN,SELF_SHIP | yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of event creation | yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of return order creation | Yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of return gate entry creation Note: The value of |
No | ||
| Object[] | List of return items processed. |
Yes | ||
| String | This is provided by the ERP to uniquely identify each order item. |
Yes | ||
| String | Reason of return. |
No | ||
| String | SKU code of return order item |
Yes | |||
| String | Item barcode identifier for the items processed for the return orders in WMS | No |
| Double | discount provided by channel per unit |
No | ||
| Double | discount provided by seller per unit |
No | ||
| Double | Per unit gift charge |
No | ||
| String | Status of the item. Possible values : CREATED, PROCESSING, MISSING, RECEIVED, CANCELLED, |
Yes | ||
| String | The qcStatus of the return Item. Possible values : PASS , FAIL |
Yes | ||
| String | The reason due to which this return item has been market qc fail |
No | ||
| String[] | It contains the list of urls of the images of the return items .It will only be populated in case that item has been marked as fail. |
No | ||
| Double | Selling price per unit of the item |
Yes | ||
| Boolean | Flag to identify if the item is an excess item |
No | ||
| Object[] | List of virtual SKU child items |
No | ||
| Long | Increff return item id of the child SKU |
No | ||
| String | Possible values:
No | ||
| String | Channel SKU code of the child SKU |
No | ||
| String | qc status of the child SKU
No | ||
| String | qc reason of the child SKU |
No | ||
| String | barcode of the child SKU |
Yes | ||
| Object[] | List of bundled SKU child items |
No | ||
| String | barcode of the child SKU |
Yes | ||
| Long | Increff return item id of the child SKU |
Yes | ||
| String | qc reason of the child SKU |
No | |||
| String | qc status of the child SKU
| yes |
| String | ReturnOrderItemStatus | yes |
| String | The consignment number associated with the return order | no |
| String | Return order AWB | no |
| Object[] | List of virtual sku definitions | no |
| String | Channel SKU code of parent SKU | no |
| String | Barcode of parent SKU | no |
| Object[] | List if child SKU associated with parent SKU | no |
| String | Channel SKU code of child SKU | no |
| Integer | Quantity of child SKU, the parent SKU comprises of | no |
| String | Barcode of child SKU | no |
| Object[] | List of bundled sku definitions | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of bundled Sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of bundled Sku at channel | yes |
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of child sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of child sku at channel | no |
| Integer | child sku quantity | no |
| Object[] | List of shipments in forward order | no |
| String | Forward Shipment code | no |
| String | Invoice id generated for the Forward shipment | no |
| ZonedDateTime | Invoice date generated for the Forward shipment | no |
| String | Url of the Forward invoice document | no |
| String | Url of the Forward shipping label doc | no |
| String | Unique Forward invoice id provided by channel | no |
| ZonedDateTime | Forward Invoice date provided by channel | no |
| String | IRN code of Forward shipment | no |
| String | qr code of Forward shipment | no |
| String | Possible values:
| no |
| String | Location code of Forwardshipment | no |
| Object[] | List of Forward shipment items | yes |
| String | Channel SKU code | yes |
| String | Order item code | yes |
| Double | Channel discount on SKU | no |
| Double | Per unit tax applicable for the SKU. | yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for the SKU | yes |
| Double | Per unit base selling price of the SKU | yes |
| Double | Total base selling price of SKU | yes |
| Double | Per unit selling price of the SKU including tax | yes |
| Double | Total selling price of the SKU | yes |
| Integer | Quantity of the sku in the shipment item. | yes |
| Double | Shipping charge per unit for a shipment item | no |
| Object[] | Distribution of tax with tax type | yes |
| String | Type of tax applicable | yes |
| Double | Tax rate for this tax type | yes |
| Double | Tax applicable for this type of tax per unit | yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for this type of tax | yes |
| Object | Shipping address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | State of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |
| Object | Billing address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | State of customer | no |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |
| Object | Custom attributes of order | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| String | Currency | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | no |
| Object | List of attributes for the order item | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| String | Unique barcode of the order item | no |
| String | Unique sku code of the order item identifiable at channel’s end | no |
| String | Unique item code of the order item identifiable in omni | no |
Code Block |
Empty Body |