Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "partnerCode": "AZ123", "locationCode": "ABCDEF", "partnerLocationCode": "AZ1234", "channelName": "AMAZON", "returnOrderCode": "H893RUOT123", "forwardOrderCode": "Dx784si", "forwardParentOrderCode":"Dx784si", "returnCreationTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "returnGateEntryCreationTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "messageId": 12345, "paymentMethod": "COD", "returnOrderType": "RETURN_TO_ORIGIN", "eventTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "consignmentNumber": "con1", "awbNumber": "awb1", "items": [ { "itemCode": "ic123", "returnReason": "size misfit", "channelSkuCode": "100007542", "returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED", "channelDiscount":10, "sellerDiscount":10, "giftChangePerUnit":10, "qcStatus": "FAIL", "qcReason": "DAMAGED", "imageUrls": [ "https://mydomain.com/img.jpg", "https://mydomain.com/img2.jpg" ], "sellingPricePerUnit": 20.0, "isExcess": true, "virtualSkuChildItemReturnPostings": [ { "omsReturnItemId": "oms_124A43", "returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED", "channelSkuCode": "1234", "qcStatus": "FAIL", "qcReason": "DAMAGED", "barcode": "bar1" } ], "bundledSkuChildItemReturnPostings": [ { "barcode": "string", "channelSkuCode": "string", "omsReturnItemId": 0, "qcReason": "string", "qcStatus": "PASS", "returnOrderItemStatus": "CREATED" } ] } ], "shipments": [ { "shipmentCode": "UIfd897", "locationCode": "loc1", "generatedInvoiceId": "AR105044395", "generatedInvoiceDate": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "externalInvoiceId": "FK56556GH45", "externalInvoiceDate": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "invoiceDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/invoice123.pdf", "irn": "a429746e34d844c9d2cb2a6f68997d1c2af23987cc834f3b55da45d1b0bc27c0", "qrCode": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs", "shippingLabelDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/sldoc.pdf", "shipmentStatus": "MANIFESTED", "shipmentItems": [ { "channelSkuCode": "100000789702", "orderItemCode": "item123", "channelDiscount": 122.45, "netTaxAmountPerUnit": 60, "netTaxAmountTotal": 120, "baseSellingPricePerUnit": 500, "baseSellingPriceTotal": 1000, "sellingPricePerUnit": 560, "sellingPriceTotal": 1120, "quantity": 2, "taxItems": [ { "type": "SGST", "rate": 6, "taxPerUnit": 30, "taxTotal": 60 }, { "type": "CGST", "rate": 6, "taxPerUnit": 30, "taxTotal": 60 } ] }, { "channelSkuCode": "100000734701", "orderItemCode": "item124", "netTaxAmountPerUnit": 60, "netTaxAmountTotal": 120, "baseSellingPricePerUnit": 500, "baseSellingPriceTotal": 1000, "sellingPricePerUnit": 560, "sellingPriceTotal": 1120, "quantity": 2, "shippingChargePerUnit": 10.0, "taxItems": [ { "type": "SGST", "rate": 6, "taxPerUnit": 30, "taxTotal": 60 }, { "type": "CGST", "rate": 6, "taxPerUnit": 30, "taxTotal": 60 } ] } ] } ], "virtualSkuDefinitions": [ { "virtualParentChannelSkuId": "ch_sku", "virtualParentBarcode": "bar", "childSkus": [ { "channelSkuCode": "ch_sku", "qty": 47, "barcode": "shoe14h124" } ] } ], "bundledSkuDefinitions": [ { "childSkus": [ { "barcode": "string", "channelSkuCode": "string", "qty": 0 } ], "bundledParentBarcode": "string", "bundledParentChannelSkuId": "string" } ], "shippingAddress": { "name": "Sender's Name", "line1": "Line Address 1", "line2": "Line Address 2", "line3": "Line Address 3", "city": "city", "state": "state", "zip": "zip", "country": "country", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" }, "billingAddress": { "name": "customer", "line1": "address line 1", "line2": "address line 2", "line3": "address line 3", "city": "Bengaluru", "state": "Karnataka", "zip": "560076", "country": "INDIA", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" }, "orderCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "1", "attribute2": "2", "attribute3": "3", "attribute4": "4", "attribute5": "5", "attribute6": "6", "attribute7": "7", "attribute8": "8", "attribute9": "9", "attribute10": "10", "channelMetadata": "gg", "currency": "INR" }, "orderItemCustomAttributes": [ { "barcode": "string", "channelSkuCode": "string", "orderItemCode": "string", "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "1", "attribute2": "2", "attribute3": "3", "attribute4": "4", "attribute5": "5", "attribute6": "6", "attribute7": "7", "attribute8": "8", "attribute9": "9", "attribute10": "10", "channelMetadata": "gg" } } ] } |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | This is customer code in channel | yes |
| String | This is the code of the location of the customer in the channel. | yes |
| String | Location code of the warehouse where the return order will be received. | yes |
| String | This is marketplace name | yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify the forward order | yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify the return order | yes |
| Long | Unique Identifier of a notification ( for de-duplication) | Yes |
| String | Possible values - COD, NCOD | yes |
| String | Possible values- RETURN_TO_ORIGIN,CUSTOMER_RETURN,SELF_SHIP | yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of event creation | yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of return order creation | Yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Time of return gate entry creation Note: The value of | no |
| Object[] | List of return items processed. | yes |
| String | This is provided by the ERP to uniquely identify each order item. | yes |
| String | Reason of return. | no |
| String | SKU code of return order item | yes |
| discount provided by channel per unit | no | |
| discount provided by seller per unit | no | |
| Per unit gift charge | no | |
| String | Status of the item. Possible values : CREATED, PROCESSING, MISSING, RECEIVED, CANCELLED, | yes |
| String | The qcStatus of the return Item. Possible values : PASS , FAIL | yes |
| String | The reason due to which this return item has been market qc fail | no |
| String[] | It contains the list of urls of the images of the return items .It will only be populated in case that item has been marked as fail. | no |
| Double | Selling price per unit of the item | yes |
| Boolean | Flag to identify if the item is an excess item | no |
| Object[] | List of virtual SKU child items | no |
| Long | Increff return item id of the child SKU | no |
| String | Possible values:
| no |
| String | Channel SKU code of the child SKU | no |
| String | qc status of the child SKU
| no |
| String | qc reason of the child SKU | no |
| String | barcode of the child SKU | yes |
| Object[] | List of bundled SKU child items | no |
| String | barcode of the child SKU | yes |
| Long | Increff return item id of the child SKU | yes |
| String | qc reason of the child SKU | no |
| String | qc status of the child SKU
| yes |
| String | ReturnOrderItemStatus | yes |
| String | The consignment number associated with the return order | no |
| String | Return order AWB | no |
| Object[] | List of virtual sku definitions | no |
| String | Channel SKU code of parent SKU | no |
| String | Barcode of parent SKU | no |
| Object[] | List if child SKU associated with parent SKU | no |
| String | Channel SKU code of child SKU | no |
| Integer | Quantity of child SKU, the parent SKU comprises of | no |
| String | Barcode of child SKU | no |
| Object[] | List of bundled sku definitions | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of bundled Sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of bundled Sku at channel | yes |
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of child sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of child sku at channel | no |
| Integer | child sku quantity | no |
| Object[] | List of shipments in forward order | no |
| String | Forward Shipment code | no |
| String | Invoice id generated for the Forward shipment | no |
| ZonedDateTime | Invoice date generated for the Forward shipment | no |
| String | Url of the Forward invoice document | no |
| String | Url of the Forward shipping label doc | no |
| String | Unique Forward invoice id provided by channel | no |
| ZonedDateTime | Forward Invoice date provided by channel | no |
| String | IRN code of Forward shipment | no |
| String | qr code of Forward shipment | no |
| String | Possible values:
| no |
| String | Location code of Forwardshipment | no |
| Object[] | List of Forward shipment items | yes |
| String | Channel SKU code | yes |
| String | Order item code | yes |
| Double | Channel discount on SKU | no |
| Double | Per unit tax applicable for the SKU. | yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for the SKU | yes |
| Double | Per unit base selling price of the SKU | yes |
| Double | Total base selling price of SKU | yes |
| Double | Per unit selling price of the SKU including tax | yes |
| Double | Total selling price of the SKU | yes |
| Integer | Quantity of the sku in the shipment item. | yes |
| Double | Shipping charge per unit for a shipment item | no |
| Object[] | Distribution of tax with tax type | yes |
| String | Type of tax applicable | yes |
| Double | Tax rate for this tax type | yes |
| Double | Tax applicable for this type of tax per unit | yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for this type of tax | yes |
| Object | Shipping address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | State of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |
| Object | Billing address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer (Not sent when channel does not send these details eg: Amazon) | no |
| String | State of customer | no |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |
| Object | Custom attributes of order | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| String | Currency | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | no |
| Object | List of attributes for the order item | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| String | Unique barcode of the order item | no |
| String | Unique sku code of the order item identifiable at channel’s end | no |
| String | Unique item code of the order item identifiable in omni | no |
Code Block |
Empty Body |