Postings can be sent on below triggers
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "locationCode": "IN132", "messageId": 12345, "orderCode": "flipkart1234", "omsSubOrderId": 19011046, "parentOrderCode": "flipkart1221", "orderTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "orderType": "SO/STO/RTV", "paymentMethod": "COD", "turnAroundTime": "2024-06-28T08:30:00.000+00:00", "shipments": [ { "shipmentCode": "7982354179", "locationCode": "DLLJPT06", "shipmentStatus": "DISPATCHED", "generatedInvoiceId": "17531870", "generatedInvoiceDate": "2024-06-26T08:22:53.000+00:00", "omsShipmentId": null, "invoiceDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/invoice123.pdf", "irn": null, "qrCode": null, "shippingLabelDocumentUrl": "https://mybrand.com/sldoc.pdf", "externalInvoiceId": "I0725ZP000000647", "externalInvoiceDate": "2024-06-26T08:22:41.000+00:00", "awbNumber": "awb1", "transporter": "Myntra Logistics", "packageSku": "packageSku1", "shipmentItems": [ { "orderItemCode": "9982333122", "channelSkuCode": "35255XXL", "netTaxAmountPerUnit": 353.46, "netTaxAmountTotal": 353.46, "baseSellingPricePerUnit": 2945.54, "baseSellingPriceTotal": 2945.54, "sellingPricePerUnit": 3299, "sellingPriceTotal": 3299, "quantity": 1, "shippingChargePerUnit": 10.00, "taxItems": [ { "type": "IGST", "rate": 12, "taxPerUnit": 353.46, "taxTotal": 353.46 } ], "barcode": "35255XXL" } ], "shipmentDetails": { "length": 30.0, "breadth": 20.0, "height": 10.0, "weight": 5.0, "shipmentId": 12345, "totalItemQuantity": 50, "packboxDetailsList": [ { "length": 15.0, "breadth": 10.0, "height": 8.0, "weight": 2.0, "boxId": 1, "awbNumber": "AWB123", "packBoxRemarks": "Fragile items", "skuQuantityDataList": [ { "globalSkuId": 987, "clientSkuId": "SKU001", "count": 10 }, { "globalSkuId": 876, "clientSkuId": "SKU002", "count": 15 } ] } ] }, "deliveredAt": null } ], "isPriority": false, "channelName": "flipkart", "channelType": "ERP/MARKETPLACE", "eventType": "OUTWARDSUBORDER_ORDER_COMPLETE", "eventTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "shippingCharges": 20, "orderCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "test_4e10f67e0585", "attribute10": "test_e3af29b52cda", "attribute2": "test_df7f45161dbf", "attribute3": "test_511554245071", "attribute4": "test_285ab90a9a26", "attribute5": "test_c9902353bd62", "attribute6": "test_29bf877ad20e", "attribute7": "test_f05c5ee7bda0", "attribute9": "test_913b35f805f0", "channelMetadata": { "MetaDataTestExample1": "test_13669a9d0d24", "MetaDataTestExample2": "test_13669a9d0d25" }, "currency": "test_ad35da54ae2f" }, "virtualSkuDefinitions": [ { "virtualParentChannelSkuId": "abc1", "virtualParentBarcode": "barcode1", "childSkus": [ { "channelSkuCode": "xyz", "qty": 2, "barcode": "bar1" }, { "channelSkuCode": "xyz1", "qty": 1, "barcode": "bar2" } ] } ], "bundledSkuDefinitions": [ { "bundledParentBarcode": "string", "bundledParentChannelSkuId": "string", "childSkus": [ { "barcode": "string", "channelSkuCode": "string", "qty": 0 } ] } ], "orderItems": [ { "orderItemCodes": [ "item123" ], "channelSkuCode": "1000889888", "orderedQuantity": 2, "cancelledQuantity": 1, "customerCancelledQty": 0, "sellerCancelledQty": 0, "sellerRejectQty": 0, "fulfilledQuantity": 1, "hoppedQuantity": 0, "barcode": "35255XXL", "channelDiscount": 50, "sellingPricePerUnit": 500, "giftChargePerUnit": 10, "sellerDiscount": 5, "shippingCharge": 0, "externalItemCodes": [ "externalCode1" ], "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "test_9500ccd4855f", "attribute10": "test_1e7511fe9fc8", "attribute2": "test_957207fbdbb0", "attribute3": "test_e9c4494fc055", "attribute4": "test_2c6670838f48", "attribute5": "test_09156554f500", "attribute6": "test_20ab8d00c447", "attribute7": "test_f0c3e77287ae", "attribute9": "test_691c1f899bb8", "channelMetadata": { "MetaDataTestExample1": "test_13669a9d0d24", "MetaDataTestExample2": "test_13669a9d0d25" } } } ], "subOrderItems": [ { "orderItemCodes": [ "item123" ], "channelSkuCode": "1000889888", "orderedQuantity": 2, "cancelledQuantity": 1, "customerCancelledQty": 0, "sellerCancelledQty": 0, "sellerCancelledQty": 0, "sellerRejectQty": 0, "fulfilledQuantity": 1, "hoppedQuantity": 0, "barcode": "35255XXL", "channelDiscount": 50, "sellingPricePerUnit": 500, "giftChargePerUnit": 10, "sellerDiscount": 5, "shippingCharge": 0, "externalItemCodes": [ "externalCode1" ], "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "test_9500ccd4855f", "attribute10": "test_1e7511fe9fc8", "attribute2": "test_957207fbdbb0", "attribute3": "test_e9c4494fc055", "attribute4": "test_2c6670838f48", "attribute5": "test_09156554f500", "attribute6": "test_20ab8d00c447", "attribute7": "test_f0c3e77287ae", "attribute9": "test_691c1f899bb8", "channelMetadata": { "MetaDataTestExample1": "test_13669a9d0d24", "MetaDataTestExample2": "test_13669a9d0d25" } } } ], "shippingAddress": { "name": "Customer's Name", "line1": "Line Address 1", "line2": "Line Address 2", "line3": "Line Address 3", "city": "city", "state": "state", "zip": "zip", "country": "country", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" }, "billingAddress": { "name": "customer", "line1": "address line 1", "line2": "address line 2", "line3": "address line 3", "city": "Bengaluru", "state": "Karnataka", "zip": "560076", "country": "INDIA", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" } } |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Location from which order was fulfilled | Yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify order | yes |
| Long | Internal sub order id of OMS | NO |
| String | Parent order code which can be null or empty or some duplicate value across orders. | no |
| String | Channel name of the marketplace. | yes |
| String | Type of the channel.Possible values: ERP/MARKETPLACE | yes |
| String | Time at which order was placed at the channel in UNIX (UTC) | yes |
| String | Can be - SO(Sales Order)/STO(Stock Transfer Order)/RTV(Return To Vendor), RPO(Replacement) | yes |
| Long | Unique Identifier of a notification(for De-duplication) | Yes |
| String | Possible values - COD, NCOD | yes |
| ZonedDateTime | Turnaround time | NO |
| Object[] | shipmets belonging to this posting | YES |
| String | Irn generated on Govt. portal while e-invoicing | No |
| String | QrCode generated on Govt. portal while e-invoicing | No |
| Object[] | Items belonging to this shipment | Yes |
| String | SKU code of order item | Yes |
| String | Fulfillment Location | Yes |
| String | This is provided by the channel to uniquely identify each order item. | Yes |
| Double | Per unit tax applicable for the SKU. | Yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for the SKU | Yes |
| Double | Per unit base selling price of the SKU | Yes |
| Double | Total base selling price of SKU | Yes |
| Double | Per unit selling price of the SKU including tax | Yes |
| Double | Total selling price of the SKU | Yes |
| Integer | Quantity of the sku in the shipment item. | Yes |
| Double | Shipping charge per unit for a shipment item | No |
| Double | Channel discount of item | No |
| Object | Distribution of tax with tax type | Yes |
| Object | Shipment details | No |
| Double | Length of the shipment | No |
| Double | Breadth of the shipment | No |
| Double | Height of the shipment | No |
| Double | Weight of the shipment | No |
| Long | Id to uniquely identify a shipment | No |
| Integer | Count of all the items in the shipment | No |
| Object[] | Details of pack boxes | No |
| Double | Length of the pack box in consideration | No |
| Double | Breadth of the pack box in consideration | No |
| Double | Height of the pack box in consideration | No |
| Double | Weight of the pack box in consideration | No |
| Long | Id to uniquely identify a box | No |
| String | AWB number of the box | No |
| String | Remarks for the pack box | No |
| Object[] | Details of skus in a box | No |
| Long | Id to uniquely identify a sku in increff’s system | No |
| String | Id to uniquely identify a sku on client’s end | No |
| Integer | Count of a particular sku in a box | No |
| String | Type of tax applicable | Yes |
| Double | Tax rate for this tax type | Yes |
| Double | Tax applicable for this type of tax per unit | Yes |
| Double | Total tax applicable for this type of tax | Yes |
| Boolean | This flag is true in case order is HIGH priority than normal orders. | yes |
| Object | Custom attributes of order | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| String | Currency | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| Object | List of virtual SKU definitions | no |
| String | SKU code of virtual SKU | no |
| String | Barcode of parent SKU | no |
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | no |
| String | SKU code of child SKU | no |
| Integer | Quantity of child SKU | no |
| String | Barcode of child SKU | no |
| Object[] | List of bundled sku definitions | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of bundled Sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of bundled Sku at channel | yes |
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | yes |
| String | Unique barcode of child sku | no |
| String | Unique identifier of child sku at channel | no |
| Integer | child sku quantity | no |
| Object[] | List of order items | yes |
| String | This is provided by the channel to uniquely identify each order item. | yes |
| String | SKU code of order item | yes |
| int | Ordered Quantity | yes |
| int | cancelledQuantity | yes |
| double | sellingPricePerUnit | no |
| Double | giftChargePerUnit | no |
| Double | Discount provided by channel per unit | no |
| Double | Discount provided by seller per unit | no |
| Double | Shipping charges on item | no |
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | no |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| String | Possible values
| yes |
| String | Time of event creation | yes |
| Object | Shipping address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer | yes |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | yes |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer | yes |
| String | State of customer | yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |
| Object | Billing address of the customer | yes |
| String | Name of customer | yes |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | yes |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
| String | City of customer | yes |
| String | State of customer | yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
| String | Country of customer | yes |
| String | Email of customer | no |
| String | Phone Number of customer | no |