Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "locationCode": "IN132", "messageId": 12345, "orderCode": "flipkart1234", "parentOrderCode": "flipkart1221", "orderTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28Z[UTC]", "startProcessingTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28Z[UTC]", "requiredBy": "2020-10-16T20:22:28Z[UTC]", "paymentMethod": "COD", "isPriority": false, "channelName": "flipkart", "eventType": "SUBORDER_CREATE/SUBORDER_PARTIAL_CANCEL/SUBORDER_CANCEL/SUBORDER_COMPLETE", "onHold": false, "orderCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "test_4e10f67e0585", "attribute2": "test_df7f45161dbf", "attribute3": "test_511554245071", "attribute4": "test_285ab90a9a26", "attribute5": "test_c9902353bd62", "attribute6": "test_29bf877ad20e", "attribute7": "test_f05c5ee7bda0", "attribute9": "test_913b35f805f0", "attribute10": "test_e3af29b52cda", "channelMetadata": { "MetaDataTestExample1": "test_13669a9d0d24", "MetaDataTestExample2": "test_13669a9d0d25" }, "currency": "test_ad35da54ae2f" }, "orderItems": [{ "orderItemCodes": [ "14974593958185" ], "clientSkuId": "1000889888", "channelSkuCode": "1000889888", "orderedQuantity": 2, "cancelledQuantity": 1, "channelDiscountbarcode": 50"51100L", "sellingPricePerUnitcustomerCancelledQty": 500null, "giftChargePerUnitsellerCancelledQty": 10null, "sellerDiscountsellerRejectQty": 5null, "shippingChargechannelDiscount": 050, "isVirtualsellingPricePerUnit": true500, "orderItemCustomAttributesgiftChargePerUnit": {10, "attribute1hoppedQuantity": "test_9500ccd4855f"null, "attribute2sellerDiscount": "test_957207fbdbb0"5, "attribute3shippingCharge": "test_e9c4494fc055"0, "attribute4isVirtual": "test_2c6670838f48"true, "attribute5externalItemCodes": "test_09156554f500",[ "attribute6A6D70B2DE36": "test_20ab8d00c447",] "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute7attribute1": "test_f0c3e77287ae9500ccd4855f", "attribute9attribute2": "test_691c1f899bb8957207fbdbb0", "attribute10attribute3": "test_1e7511fe9fc8e9c4494fc055", "channelMetadataattribute4": { "test_2c6670838f48", "MetaDataTestExample1attribute5": "test_13669a9d0d2409156554f500", "MetaDataTestExample2attribute6": "test_13669a9d0d2520ab8d00c447", } "attribute7": "test_f0c3e77287ae", } }], "shippingAddressattribute9": {"test_691c1f899bb8", "nameattribute10": "Customer's Nametest_1e7511fe9fc8", "line1channelMetadata": "Line{ Address 1", "line2MetaDataTestExample1": "Linetest_13669a9d0d24", Address 2", "line3MetaDataTestExample2": "Line Address 3", test_13669a9d0d25" } "city": "city",} }], "statesubOrderItems": "state",[{ "ziporderItemCodes": "zip",[ "country": "country"14974593958185" ], "emailclientSkuId": "abc@gmail.com1000889888", "phonechannelSkuCode": "99999999991000889888", }, "billingAddressorderedQuantity": {2, "namecancelledQuantity": "customer"1, "line1barcode": "address line 151100L", "line2customerCancelledQty": "address line 2"null, "line3sellerCancelledQty": "address line 3"null, "citysellerRejectQty": "Bengaluru"null, "statechannelDiscount": "Karnataka"50, "zipsellingPricePerUnit": "560076"500, "countrygiftChargePerUnit": "INDIA"10, "emailhoppedQuantity": "abc@gmail.com"null, "phonesellerDiscount": "9999999999" 5, }, "virtualSkuDefinitionsshippingCharge": [{0, "virtualParentChannelSkuIdisVirtual": "sku_34"true, "virtualParentBarcodeexternalItemCodes": "bar_43",[ "childSkusA6D70B2DE36":] [{ "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "channelSkuCodeattribute1": "chtest_sku_239500ccd4855f", "barcodeattribute2": "bartest_32957207fbdbb0", "attribute3": "test_e9c4494fc055", "qty": 21 "attribute4": "test_2c6670838f48", }] }], "bundledSkuDefinitionsattribute5": ["test_09156554f500", { "childSkusattribute6": ["test_20ab8d00c447", { "attribute7": "test_f0c3e77287ae", "barcodeattribute9": "stringtest_691c1f899bb8", "channelSkuCodeattribute10": "stringtest_1e7511fe9fc8", "qtychannelMetadata": 0{ } "MetaDataTestExample1": "test_13669a9d0d24", ], "bundledParentBarcodeMetaDataTestExample2": "string", test_13669a9d0d25" } } }] "bundledParentChannelSkuIdshippingAddress": "string"{ } ] } |
"name": "Customer's Name",
"line1": "Line Address 1",
"line2": "Line Address 2",
"line3": "Line Address 3",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"zip": "zip",
"country": "country",
"email": "abc@gmail.com",
"phone": "9999999999"
"billingAddress": {
"name": "customer",
"line1": "address line 1",
"line2": "address line 2",
"line3": "address line 3",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"zip": "560076",
"country": "INDIA",
"email": "abc@gmail.com",
"phone": "9999999999"
"virtualSkuDefinitions": [{
"virtualParentChannelSkuId": "sku_34",
"virtualParentBarcode": "bar_43",
"childSkus": [{
"channelSkuCode": "ch_sku_23",
"barcode": "bar_32",
"qty": 21
"bundledSkuDefinitions": [
"childSkus": [
"barcode": "string",
"channelSkuCode": "string",
"qty": 0
"bundledParentBarcode": "string",
"bundledParentChannelSkuId": "string"
} |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory | ||||
| String | Identifier of the location from which order is fulfilled | Yes
| ||||
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify order | Yes | ||||
| String | Order identifier to map the parent order with child orders | No | ||||
| String | Channel name of the marketplace | Yes | ||||
| String | Time at which order was placed at the channel by customer (in UTC) | Yes | ||||
| String | Time after which order processing is allowed in the fulfillment system(in UTC) | Yes | ||||
| String | SLA time before which order processing is expected to be completed(in UTC) | Yes | ||||
| Long | Unique Identifier of a notification(for De-duplication) | Yes | ||||
| String | It signifies the payment mode using which customer has placed the order Possible values → | Yes | ||||
| Boolean | This flag is | Yes | ||||
| Boolean | Identifier to be used to decide whether an order should be kept onHold for processing or not. Possible Values → | Yes | ||||
| Object | Custom attributes of order | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no | ||||
| String | Currency | no | ||||
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no |
| Object[] | List of order items | no |
| Object[] | List of order items | Yes | ||||
| String | Scannable barcode on the product | Yes | ||||
| String | SKU identifier of channel | Yes | ||||
| int | Ordered Quantity | Yes | ||||
| int | Absolute cancelledQuantity | Yes | ||||
| clientSkuIdString | Scannable barcode on the product | Yes | ||||
| String | SKU identifier of channel | Yes | ||||
| int | Ordered Quantity | Yes | ||||
| int | Absolute cancelledQuantity | Yes
| int | customer cancelled quantity | No | |
| barcode | barcode | No | ||||
| int | seller cancelled qty | No | ||||
| int | seller rejected qty | No | ||||
| int | fulfilled qty | No | ||||
| int | hopped qty | No | ||||
| double | sellingPricePerUnit | No | ||||
| Double | giftChargePerUnit | No | ||||
| Double | Discount provided by channel per unit | No | ||||
| Double
| Discount provided by seller per unit | No | ||||
| Double | Shipping charges on item | No | ||||
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no | ||||
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no | ||||
| Object | Shipping address of the customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Name of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | Yes | ||||
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | No | ||||
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | No | ||||
| String | City of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | State of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Country of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Email of customer | No | ||||
| String | Phone Number of customer | No | ||||
| Object | Billing address of the customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Name of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | Yes | ||||
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | No | ||||
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | No | ||||
| String | City of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | State of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Country of customer | Yes | ||||
| String | Email of customer | No | ||||
| String | Phone Number of customer | No | ||||
| Object[] | List of virtual SKU definitions | No | ||||
| String | SKU code of virtual SKU | Yes if its being used | ||||
| String | Barcode of parent SKU | No | ||||
| Object[] | List of order items | Yes | ||||
| String | Scannable barcode on the product | Yes | ||||
| String | SKU identifier of channel | Yes | ||||
| int | Ordered Quantity | Yes | ||||
| int | Absolute cancelledQuantity | Yes | ||||
| int | customer cancelled quantity | No | ||||
| barcode | barcode | No | ||||
| int | seller cancelled qty | No | ||||
| int | seller rejected qty | No | ||||
| int | fulfilled qty | No | ||||
| int | hopped qty | No | ||||
| double | sellingPricePerUnit | No | ||||
| Double | giftChargePerUnit | No | ||||
| Double | Discount provided by channel per unit | No | ||||
| Double
| Discount provided by seller per unit | No | ||||
| Double | Shipping charges on item | No | ||||
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 1 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 2 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 3 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 4 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 5 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 6 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 7 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 8 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 9 | no | ||||
| String | Custom attribute 10 | no | ||||
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | no | ||||
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | No | ||||
| String | SKU code of child SKU | No | ||||
| Integer | Quantity of child SKU | No | ||||
| String | Barcode of child SKU | No | ||||
| Object[] | List of bundled sku definitions | yes | ||||
| String | Unique barcode of bundled Sku | no | ||||
| String | Unique identifier of bundled Sku at channel | yes | ||||
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | yes | ||||
| String | Unique barcode of child sku | no | ||||
| String | Unique identifier of child sku at channel | no | ||||
| Integer | child sku quantity | no |