Go to WMS → Sundry → Media Retrieval of Orders
Choose the filter Date Range Type(Outward Order Creation, Return Processing, Return Received), and accordingly, dates can be chosen. Select the channel and the client to search the videos/images.
The action buttons for downloading forward videos, return videos, return images, or all media with a single click are shown. These buttons adapt based on available data, ensuring a clutter-free interface.
Other Modifications / Enhancements
Search Return Order Screen
Improved Video and Image Retrieval: The process of downloading videos and images has been significantly improved. We've removed the multi-select option for a more focused approach and introduced dedicated 'Download Video' and 'Download Images' buttons, making it simpler and more efficient to access the media you need.
If no video is available for this return, display a warning message indicating the absence of any videos.
Images corresponding to a return order are downloaded in zip format.