Go to WMS → Configuration → Location Configuration.
Go to Configure Zones tab. Add required zones by uploading CSV. (Zone creation is not mandatory for Crossdock Staging Area)
Go to the Configure Aisles tab. Choose Aisle type as Cross Dock Staging. A user can choose any of the actions from Create Aisle(s), Enable Aisle(s), Disable Aisle(s) and Edit Zone Details.
Download the template accordingly and add the Aisle names for the selected Action. Then, upload the template with relevant data.Post Aisle creation, add Locations. Go to the Configure Locations tab. Choose Location type as Cross Dock Staging. A user can choose any of the actions from Create Location(s), Edit Distance, Enable Location(s), and Disable Location(s)
Download the template accordingly and add the Location names for the selected Action. Then, upload the template with relevant data.