Remove the multi-select option for downloading videos.
Add a 'Download Video' button to download captured videos (if available). If no video is available for this return, display a warning message indicating the absence of any videos.
Add a ‘Download Images’ button that allows users to download images corresponding to a return order (in zip format).
To improve the video downloading process, eliminate the dummy 'iframe' used for downloading and replace it with a new download API that will be developed in the print-app.
When creating the video URL for downloading, remove the hardcoded value 'Share' from the path
(New Screen) Order Processing Videos / Images
Use case: In the solution, that is currently being provided that videos are stored in NAS storage and images are stored in the cloud. This leads to an increase in workload as the user is required to download five images from five different links and retrieve the video from NAS storage. The consolidation of images and videos takes an entire day for one person. Therefore, there is a need for a one-click solution to download both the video and images.
it’s not feasible for the operations team to download multiple images(4-5 images per AWB) for the return orders which are being uploaded for SPF claims(average of 700-800 products per day across warehouses).
According to their perspective, the image and video retrieval process is time-consuming, especially when capturing 10 images for a single return. They express the inconvenience of having to download a total of 11 URLs: one for the video and 10 for the images, which they find quite burdensome. Consequently, the client is requesting a single URL for the retrieval of all images related to a return order or AWB.
To provide a consolidated view for downloading return order processing videos, forward order processing videos, and return order processing images, create a new screen with the following features:
We will keep forward order processing as our base order selection process (similar to order manager).
Following filters need to be provided:
From Date, To Date, Client, Channel, Channel Order ID
Order ID
Following details to be displayed in table format:
Order ID, Client, Channel, Channel Order ID, Channel Order Time, Required By Time
Action Buttons (can be shown in dropdown with action button as vertical three dots)
Download Video Link for Forward Videos
Download Return Images link
Download All
Action Buttons should be visible on the basis of data fetch from backend, i.e., if no video is available for return processing, don’t show button to “Download Return Videos”
(New Screen) View Pending Video Uploads to NAS
Provide a screen to view the pending video uploads from indexedDB
This screen will be helpful in case any of the videos are found missing / for debugging purpose.
To provide a consolidated view for viewing the pending return and forward order processing video uploads. This screen will be helpful in case any of the videos are found missing / for debugging purpose.
Create a new screen with the following features:
The screen should have a tabbed view for Return and Forward
Display list of videos which are in
new / in transit / error_storing_file_name
status in the indexed DB for the current selected warehouseThe following details are to be displayed in a table format:
Return Order ID
Return Gate Entry Item ID
Video File Name
Retry Action Button (In case of error videos)
Add a search filter on UI side. User can search captured videos using following parameters:
Return Order ID
Provide Sorting options in the table headers
Video Capturing during Forward Order Processing
Follow the steps mentioned in
Case 1
Video Capturing during SFS/USP Return Order Processing