Min percentage of days with sales is computed on the entire duration given in the input. This has been updated to be a percentage of the number of days the style is live in the store
Other Value Additions
Marking Optional Uploads as favourites
Optional uploads can now be favourited to only show favourite uploads with all uploads being hidden until expanded. Uploads can be set marked as favourites for each project .JIRA Ticket: MSENT-5220, MSENT-5310, MSENT-5311, MSENT-5319, MSENT-5335to only show the nifty uploads required by the user
Parent level uploads tasks will be visible on user logs of all projects
Parent upload tasks were only visible on the project from which the upload was triggered. This will now be visible on the user logs of all projects.
JIRA Ticket: MSENT-5302
Input periods made visible on all applicable pages
Input periods were split into sales periods and forecast periods and shown differently on different modules' pages. This has been made uniform now with same input periods being shown on all applicable pagesJIRA Ticket: MSENT-5180, MSENT-5252
Min max dates with inventory will get updated with inventory creation and data deletion
Algos can be run only when inventory is available. However, inventory that gets created from inventory creation was not getting accounted in this. Similarly, when inventory get deleted the dates were not being adjusted. Both of these issues have been corrected
JIRA Ticket: MSENT-5224
Optimised to run only the required modules when an input changes
Updating an input resulted in all the dependent modules getting re-run needlessly. This has been optimised now and updating an input will not run modules where the outputs wouldn’t be affected
JIRA Ticket: MSENT-5862