Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
channelSkuCode | String | Code used by channel to identify an SKU.Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
channelSerialNo | String | Unique code generated at channel side for that order item. Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
barcode | String | Scannable code present on physical product that identifies an SKU uniquely. Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
category | String | Represents the broad category this product belongs to | no |
brand | String | Brand of the sku | yes |
styleCode | String | styleCode of the product | yes |
mrp | Double | Maximum Retail Price of the product | yes |
hsn | String | HSN code of the product | yes |
imageUrl | String | Public image url of the product. This is used in warehouse at multiple stages to gain efficiency and accuracy | no |
name | String | Name of the product | yes |
taxRule | String | Rule used to compute tax as per Assure Increff Omni Tax Rule Table | yes |
size | String | Size of the product | no |
color | String | Color of the product | no |
isPerishable | boolean | Is the item perishable or not | no |
channelToleranceDays | Int | Days before getting expired upto which item can be used to fulfill orders created by ERP | no |
grnToleranceDays | Int | System will provide validation at the time of GRN if products is getting expired in less the grn tolerance days | no |
returnToleranceDays | Int | System will provide validation at the time of B2C return if products is getting expired in less the returnToleranceDays days | no |
isVirtual | boolean | Is there a virtual sku definition | no |
length | Int | Length of the product | no |
breadth | Int | Breadth of the product | no |
height | Int | Height of the product | no |
weight | Int | Weight of the product | no |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
vendorCode | String | Code of already created vendor in Assure Increff Omni by ERP | yes |
vendorLocationCode | String | Code of new location to be added | yes |
gstin | String | GSTIN number | yes |
billingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
billingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
billingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
billingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
billingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
billingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
billingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
billingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
shippingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
shippingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
customerCode | String | Code of already created vendor in Assure Increff Omni by ERP | yes |
customerLocationCode | String | Code of new location to be added | yes |
gstin | String | GSTIN number | yes |
billingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
billingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
billingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
billingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
billingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
billingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
billingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
billingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
shippingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
shippingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |