16. Return order creation error
While adding the Vendor or Customer we give an address with it then while adding location for vendor or customer we give address. What's the relevance of giving address twice ? Why is address required while creating Vendor/Customer ?
How does integration scheduler work?
How to configure Client's End Point URL ?
What is the difference between the ChannelSKUid and ChannelSerialno ?
What is the use of listing and inventory in ASIM?
What is the use of ack order and sync order in ASIM?
How can we process partial return in ASIM ?
What is return order,open po and open ro?
What is trigger for return order posting ?
What is trigger for Sales order posting ?
What all flows can be tested in ASIM ?
What are the Credential values and Credential keys?
What is the purpose of the Integration Scheduler?
How to check the Search & Process Outward order in ASIM?
What is the difference between an inventory and
Consolidated Inventory Update.
While creating Return order, received an exception as NoSuchElementException. Here the issue is due to the wrong pincode. The Drop address pin code should be the same as which is configured for the warehouse address.
Check if mapping exists for that particular partner codes and if everything is good check if orderType is correct.
While adding the Vendor or Customer we give an address with it then while adding location for vendor or customer we give address. What's the relevance of giving address twice ? Why is address required while creating Vendor/Customer ?
How does integration scheduler work?
How to configure Client's End Point URL ?
What is the difference between the ChannelSKUid and ChannelSerialno ?
What is the use of listing and inventory in ASIM?
What is the use of ack order and sync order in ASIM?
How can we process partial return in ASIM ?
What is return order,open po and open ro?
What is trigger for return order posting ?
What is trigger for Sales order posting ?
What all flows can be tested in ASIM ?
What are the Credential values and Credential keys?
What is the purpose of the Integration Scheduler?
How to check the Search & Process Outward order in ASIM?
What is the difference between an inventory and
Consolidated Inventory Update.
DB Queries
Below are some DB Queries which would be helpful in Integration testing.