Column | Description |
channel | Channel to which the store belongs |
store | Name of store |
store_code | Unique code of store |
store_class | CassClass/grading assigned to a store in the store master |
city | City in which store is located |
enabled | Value can be either 0 or 1 if the store is disabled/enabled respectively for replenishment |
brand | Name of the brand for which a particular article is belonged to in style master table |
master_category | Master category to which style belongs |
category | Category to which style belongs |
subcategory | Subcategory to which style belongs |
style_code | Style code |
description | Breif description of the product provided against the style in the style master |
season | Season in which the Style was introduced |
overriden_season | Season tagging that was provided in the style level merchandise tagging input |
size_set | Minimum quantity to be sent in a style when being sent to the store for the first time |
stock | Current stock on hand for channel+store+style on the run date |
goods_in_transit | Goods that are in transit for a channel+store+style on the run date |
open_orders | Warehouse open orders for a channel+store+style on the run date |
ars_dispatch | Dispatch suggested post the replenishment run |