Column header | Explanantion | Remarks |
day | date as on which the inventory is considered (run date selected while running the module) |
channel | store’s channel (from store master) |
store | store’s name (from store master) |
store_code | store’s code (from store master) |
store_group | the group in which the store lies (from store grouping) |
style_code | style’s code (from style master) |
suggested_discount_action | discount action as per the discount engine logic |
final_discount_action | final discount action after considering constraints like maximum discount, new styles, fresh discount, discount targets, etc |
current_discount | style’s/ SKU’s current discount |
suggested_discount_recommendation | discount suggestion as per the discount engine logic |
final_discount_recommendation | final discount suggestion after consdering constraints like maximum discount, new styles, fresh discount, discount targets, etc |
number_of_stores | number of stores in the store group |
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