A standard API is exposed through CIMS to make the pack_on_hold flag false. At the same time, this API can be used by POS to inform SFS of billing completion.
POS will also send the POS_transaction_id to SFS and will be saved. POS_transaction_id is the only Identifier shown on the POS system against SFS Order.
Searching of Orders
Users should be able to search orders by POS_transaction_id and see it in search results. Please follow the below steps to search.
Go to the Search Orders screen in SFS.
As an operator, POS_transaction_id is the only Identifier shows on POS system against Order, so same is needed on SFS panel as well to see the related order
An additional field pos_order_code should be provided for searching orders.
PoS order code should also be shown in UI.
Go to the Filters tab and choose the required filters. The Pack on Hold filter is available at the end. Please choose TRUE to filter orders which are in Pack on Hold and FALSE to filter orders which are not.
The results will be shown as follows.
Go to the Orders tab to search Order wise. In Find By dropdown, An additional value POS Order Code has been provided for searching orders. Please select POS Order Code and Search for the results.