Versions Compared


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  • INCREFF OMS needs to communicate the acceptance and rejection to the Order source (Channel/Marketplace).

  • For Sub Orders to be fulfilled by WMS,:

    • Acceptance will not be communicated to the Channel/Marketplace.

    • Acceptance between WMS and OMS happens implicitly simulatenously during Order ACK

  • For Sub Orders to be fulfilled by Store,:

    • Acceptance and Rejection will be communicated to the Channel explicitly through Order Notification API.

    • Acceptance and Rejection will always be communicated to the channel Channel on the Outward Order level.


Acceptance and Rejection of a sub-order can happen at 3 places in SFS:

  • Operator Checks checks if the inventory is available or not and accepts or rejects Accepts/Rejects the order before picking.

  • During Picking process

  • During Packing process


  1. Outward Order gets created in OMS.

  2. Sub Orders get created in OMS after splitting of Outward Orders.

  3. Sub Orders get synced to SFS.

  4. SFS Accepts / Rejects the Sub Order. In order to acceptAccept/rejectReject, user can follow below mentioned steps.

    1. Go to Accept Orders under Inventory & Order section in Increff SFS.

    2. User can pply different filters like:

      1. From Date

      1. /To Date

      1. Channel


      1. )

      2. Sort By (Order ID,ORDER_TIME,REQUIRED_TIME)

      1. Sort Order (Ascending/Descending)

      1. Page Size to check all the orders which needs to be Accepted/Rejected by Store.

    3. All Orders which are eligible for Acceptance / Rejectance to be Accepted / Rejected for that Store will be displayed with the Order Status next to it.

    4. Click on Accept button which will displayopen a overlaying screen having +/- Sign buttons at top right and SKU details on right-side of the screen and Accept button at bottom of screen.

    5. Enter the Qty you want to Accept and Click on Accept button at the botttom. If Qty entered is 0, then the complete order will be considered as Rejected

  5. Available Inventory gets allocated to Sub Order which is Accepted by store in OMS.

  6. QTP is reduced for the qty’s Qty being rejected in OMS and deallocation happens accordingly.

  7. Following cases happen afterwards:

    1. If OMS is splitting routing source source:

      1. Quantity Qty that is getting rejected also gets increased in REJECTED inventory bucket to underexpose under-expose the inventory for OMS Hopping logic so that two stores do not get stuck in an infinite loop for hopping the same sub orders again and again.

      2. Seller Cancellation won’t be allowed from OMS UI until the Sub Order is in UNFULFILLABLE status.

      3. Rejection will lead to a hopping trigger , but not auto Auto seller cancellation.

      4. Acceptance and Rejection are not communicated to the channel.

    2. If OMS is not splitting and routing source:

      1. Rejection done by the store will lead to Auto seller cancellation.

      2. Acceptance and Rejection are not communicated to channel.

      3. Seller Cancellation won’t be allowed from OMS UI until the Sub Order is in UNFULFILLABLE status.

      4. Accept/Reject notification trigger should come from the store first before the order has moved to UNFULFILLABLE status.

  8. OMS communicates to CIMS the current Accepted Quantity, Rejected Quantity, Seller Cancelled Quantity, Customer Cancelled Quantity to CIMS.

Acceptance and Rejection Flow during Picking


  • If the store can fulfil a SKU in an order, the SKU can be picked.

    • Picked SKU’s can be rejected after picking till completing the order.

  • Like wise, if the store can't fulfil a SKU in an order, the SKU can be rejected.

    • Rejected SKU’s cannot be picked if AUTO_HOP flag is ON, since they are hopped to a different store.

    • Rejected SKU’s can be picked if AUTO_HOP flag is OFF before order packing is completed.

  • Virtual Combo’s must be picked/rejected together.


During Packing process of Accepted Orders, store can reject the order if store doesn't want to do fulfill the order and the order status will be marked as REJECTED.

(Screenshots required)

Defining MAT (Maximum Acceptance Time) in SFS

In Configurations screen of SFS a new tab MAT is added to define the Maximum Acceptance Time by the store to accept Accept/Reject any order which is being hopped by Channel or Increff system.


  • Warning time is the time which will inform the Store operator that the MAT is about to breach.

  • Once Warning time has crossed, a warning sign will start appearing for the orders in Accept Orders screen of SFS.


Steps to be followed to define MAT are listed below

  1. Go to Configurations Screen under Sundry section in SFS.

  2. Navigate to MAT tab.

  3. User can define the values of MAT and Warning time which will be considered for all orders which are in REQUESTED status in Accept Orders screen

  1. Warning time should always be defined less than or equal to MAT

  2. Once MAT is breached, the Order status will be marked as MAT_BREACHED, the same can be checked in Search Order Screen in SFS.


Location Level Splitting Configuration in CIMS

In CIMS, Now for any fulfillment location a user can enable/disable the location to be eligible for
Splitting-Routing of an Outward order by changing Splitting Allowed value in CIMS Client Channel pair for any that fulfillment location.

Steps to be followed to Enable/Disable Splitting

  1. Go to View Client/Channel.

  2. Select a channel for which the fulfillment location Splitting Allowed should be changed.

  3. Go to Associated Locations section for this channel.

  4. Select Edit Location button on the right side of any fulfillment location.

  5. Select YES in Splitting Allowed value if the fulfillment location is eligible for Splitting or else select FALSE .

  6. Click on Update to save the changes for that fulfillment location.


If a Fulfillment Location is marked with Splitting allowed as FALSE but there was some free inventory available in the fulfillment location but later on if the Splitting Allowed flag is marked as YES then the Outward Orders needs to be retried manually from Search Orders screen to be marked as ACCEPTED
