Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. REQUESTED - The location has been requested to fulfill the sub-order.

  2. ACCEPTED - The location has ACCEPTED to fulfill the entire sub-order. In the case of WMS, an order moves to this status on ORDER_ACK.

  3. REJECTED - The location has REJECTED to fulfill the entire order

  4. PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED - The location has accepted to fulfill one or more qty but not all the qty of the SKU line item of sub-order.

  5. AUTO_REJECTED -  The store did not accept to fulfill the sub-order within the MAT time and sub-order got auto-hopped by OMS.

(Screenshots Required of Suben)

In Outward Orders section, there is a new status SPLIT_THRESHOLD_BREACHED added. If an Outward order is retried 20 times to be hopped to various fulfillment locations but all locations are disabled with Splitting Allowed in CIMS then the status of Outward Order will be marked as SPLIT_THRESHOLD_BREACHED.

(Screenshots Required of Outward order screen)

  1. For Sub Orders being fulfilled from  WMS, 

    1. Sub Order Acceptance will be AUTO. This means WMS need not give the explicit acceptance for a Sub Order to OMS. 

    2. WMS ORDER_ACK will be treated as an Acceptance by itself in OMS. On ORDER_ACK the Sub Order Accept Status will move to ACCEPTED.

  2. For Sub Orders being fulfilled from SFS, 

    1. Sub Order Acceptance will be MANUAL. This means SFS need to give explicit acceptance/rejection for the Sub Order to OMS within the expected MAT


During Picking process of Accepted Orders,

  • If the store can


  • fulfil a SKU in an order, the SKU can be picked.

    • Picked SKU’s can be rejected after picking as well

  • Like wise, if the store can't fulfil a SKU in an order, the SKU can be rejected.

    • Rejected SKU’s cannot be picked if AUTO_HOP is ON, since they are hopped to a different store.

    • Rejected SKU’s can be picked if AUTO_HOP is F, since they are hopped to a different store.

  • Virtual Combo’s should be picked/rejected together.


Acceptance and Rejection Flow during Packing


  1. Go to Configurations Screen under Sundry section in SFS

  2. Navigate to MAT tab (Screenshot required)

  3. User can define the values of MAT and Warning time which will be considered for all orders which are in REQUESTED status in Accept Orders screen

  1. Warning time should always be defined less than or equal to MAT

  2. Once MAT is breached, the Order status will be marked as MAT_BREACHED, the same can be checked in Search Order Screen in SFS.

Location Level Splitting Conifguration in CIMS


  1. Go to View Client/Channel

  2. Select a channel for which the fulfillment location Splitting Allowed should be changed.

  3. Go to Associated Locations section for this channel (Screenshot required).

  4. Select Edit Location button on the right side of any fulfillment location (Screenshot required).

  5. Select YES in Splitting Allowed value if the fulfillment location is eligible for Splitting or else select FALSE (Screenshot required)

  6. Click on Update to save the changes for that fulfillment location.


If a Fulfillment Location is marked with Splitting allowed as FALSE but there was some free inventory available in the fulfillment location but later on if the Splitting Allowed flag is marked as YES then the Outward Orders needs to be retried manually from Search Orders screen to be marked as ACCEPTED

Things to be noted after Sprint 70 release changes

  • Creation of UOM Definition that contains an SKU which is already a part of Virtual SKU definition will not be supported if any splittable Open Outward order is present in Omni system from Sprint 70 onwards

  • For any Outward Order that needs to be splitted by INCREFF OMS and contains a Virtual Combo SKU whose child SKUs are also part of some UOM definition will move to FAILED order state in CIMS as the case is not supported from Sprint 70 onwards.