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The virtual combo is a combination of multiple SKUs together to form a virtual-bundle SKU. Every Virtual Combo SKU can be made of two or more SKUs combined together in any quantity ratio.

Virtual Combo




Virtual Combo SKU SKUs can be created just like any other SKU in OMS, with the only difference being that is_virtual flag needs to be set as true for such SKUs. 

And then a virtual combo sku definition is to be created which specify what are the constituents skus in this combo.

Virtual Combo SKU Creation

Virtual Combo SKUs can also be created via Increff Standard APIs. Create Article Master API (by giving is_virtual flag as true.)

Following are the steps to create a Virtual Combo SKU in OMS UI:


Figure 1: Virtual Combo SKU creation in OMS


  • Virtual Combo SKU definition upload will only be allowed for the SKUs with is_virtual flag as true. 

  • If Virtual Combo definition is supposed to have even a single perishable SKU in the definition, then is_perishable flag needs to be provided as true while uploading the article masters for Virtual Combo SKU.

  • Only upto 10 child skus are allowed

Virtual Combo


Definition Creation in OMS

Virtual Combo definition can also be created via Increff Standard Create Virtual Combo SKU Definition API .

Following are the steps to create a Virtual Combo SKU in the ASSURE through OMS :UI

  1. Go to Virtual Combo SKU Definition screen under Product Settings category in OMS

  2. Select the Client from the dropdown

  3. Download the sample CSV template

  4. Enter the VIRTUAL Virtual Combo SKU ID, CLIENT SKU ID, QUANTITY for each Virtual Combo SKU Definition in the CSV

  5. Upload the CSV and click on Submit


A is a virtual combo SKU having definition as follow 







Figure 2: Virtual Combo SKU Definition screen in OMS


  • Extra caution needs to be given while uploading virtual Virtual Combo SKU definition for a virtual combo SKU. Virtual Combo SKU definition once uploaded cannot be modified without manual interventions of INCREFF Success Team. 

Inventory Management of Virtual Combo SKUs

The inventory of any virtual Virtual Combo SKU will be defined by the inventory of the SKUs which make up the Virtual Combo SKU. On change of any inventory of any child SKU, the system will recompute the Virtual Combo SKU inventory if required and send an update to Marketplace for the same.


  1. All the Orders get created in OMS in NEW status .

  2. All the orders in NEW  status are picked up periodically by the system which does the debundling for order containing virtual Virtual Combo SKU and moves them to CREATED status and moves the order that does not require debundling directly in CREATED status .


OMS for an order containing Virtual  Combo SKU(V), automatically creates line items for all the children SKU specified in the Virtual Combo SKU definition with ordered_qty = ordered_qty of V * ratio of child SKU in the definition. This process is known as debundling and the line items generated during this process are known as debundled order line items.


An Order containing a Virtual Combo SKU looks something like below on Search Order screen in OMS:


Figure 3.1: Order Line Items section in Search Orders screen for Orders having Virtual Combo SKU

Figure 3.2: Child SKU details (along with batch details for perishable SKUs)


For an order containing Virtual Combo SKU, the inventory allocation will always happen in multiples of the Virtual Combo SKU definition. 

Let us say that virtual Virtual Combo SKU A contains SKU B and SKU C in the ratio of 1:2, then allocating 1 qty of A means that the system will allocate 1 qty of B and 2 qty of C both or none to the order. 


For an order containing Virtual Combo SKU, the inventory deallocation will always happen in multiples of the Virtual Combo SKU definition, just like inventory allocation. 


Let us say, a Virtual Combo SKU A contains SKU B and SKU C in the ratio of 1:2 against A respectively. On deallocating 1 quantity of A, the system will deallocate 1 quantity of B and 2 quantities of C from the order.

Figure 4: Virtual Combo SKU Line Item Deallocation in OMS


In case of orders with Fulfillment type MULTI_SHIPMENT_PARTIAL, system will throw an error if ratios of Child SKUs being packed are not correct, and a report named as “Outwards : Pending Virtual Combo SKU Child for Shipment” can be used to identify sku (s) and qty that are mandatorily required to be packed or removed from pack boxes to fulfill Virtual Combo SKU fulfillment.


Let us say, a Virtual Combo SKU A exists with SKU B and  SKU C present in the ratio of 1:2 against A respectively. So for every 1 quantity cancellation of A, the system will cancel 1 quantity of B and 2 quantities of C from the order.

Figure 5: Virtual Combo SKU Line Item Cancellation in OMS


Inventory reservation from one pool to another is not allowed directly for Virtual Combo SKUs in ASSURE. 

Non virtual Virtual Combo SKUs can however be reserved from one pool to another and the system automatically calculates the Virtual Combo SKU inventory in both source and destination pools for all the Virtual Combo SKUs against which the SKU whose inventory is moved between the pools is a part of. 


Return Order creation against the forward orders containing Virtual Combo SKU will also be expected to contain the Virtual Combo SKU in the return order creation request. Expectations containing the Child SKU(s) will not be allowed.


During return order creation, the Debundling of return orders will be done using the Virtual Combo SKU definition just like the forward orders and in WMS all the Return Order processing will happen against the debundled child items.


Whenever return order line items are fetched by WMS, only the non virtual Virtual Combo SKUs will be communicated to WMS. 

During the return order item processing, all the child SKUs of the Virtual Combo SKU need to be processed individually. 


All the images that are captured during return processing of all the Child SKU items, are mapped in ASSURE against the Virtual Combo SKU return item.

If all the Child SKUs are received and marked as QC PASS, then the system automatically assigns reason as QC_PASS to the Virtual Combo SKU return line item.


Handling Exception orders with Virtual Combo SKUs