"shippingAndBillingAddressSame": true, Add payload for when this flag is false as well.
"logisticAggregatorType": "CLICKPOST",
"warehouseCode": "wh-1"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory | ||||
| Object | Billing Address of Customer | yes | ||||
| String | City of Customer | yes | ||||
| String | Country of Customer | yes | ||||
| String | Email of Customer | yes | ||||
| String | First Name of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Last Name of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Middle Name of customer | no | ||||
| String | Phone Number of Customer | yes | ||||
| String | State of customer | yes | ||||
| String | 1st line of customer address | yes | ||||
| String | 2nd line of customer address | no | ||||
| String | 3rd line of customer address | no | ||||
| String | Zip/Pin code of customer address | yes | ||||
| String | Currency | yes | ||||
| Object | Shipping Address of customer | |||||
| String | City of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Country of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Email of customer | yes | ||||
| String | First Name of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Last Name of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Middle name of customer | no | ||||
| String | Phone Number of customer | yes | ||||
| String | State of customer | yes | ||||
| String | 1st line of customer address | yes | ||||
| String | 2nd line of customer address | no | ||||
| String | 3rd line of customer address | no | ||||
| String | Zip/Pin code of customer | yes | ||||
| String | Can take two values:INDIAN and INTERNATIONAL, specifying the region type of order | yes | ||||
| Object | Order Details | yes | ||||
| Double | If order is of type COD, then this should be greater than 0 | yes | ||||
| String | Invoice Id of the order | yes | ||||
| Date | Invoice Time of the order | yes | ||||
| Double | Invoice value | yes | ||||
| Boolean | True if the order is of COD type | yes | ||||
| Date | Order Date | yes | ||||
| Object[] | Order Line Items | yes | ||||
| String | SKU of the product | yes | ||||
| Double | Final amount paid for the product | yes | ||||
| String | Image url of the product | no | ||||
| String | Name of the product | yes | ||||
| Double | Price of the product | yes | ||||
| Integer | Quantity of the product | yes | ||||
| Double | Store credits for this line item | no | ||||
| String | Order Number | yes | ||||
| Object | Pickup Address | yes | ||||
| String | City of Warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | Country of Warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | Email of Warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | First name of Warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | Last name of Warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | Middle name of warehouse | no | ||||
| String | Phone number of warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | State of warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | 1st line of warehouse address | yes | ||||
| String | 2nd line of warehouse address | no | ||||
| String | 3rd line of warehouse address | no | ||||
| String | Zip/Pin code of warehouse | yes | ||||
| String | Seller GSTIN | yes | ||||
| Object | Package Dimensions | yes | ||||
| Integer | Breadth of package (cms) | yes | ||||
| Integer | Height of package(cms) | yes | ||||
| Integer | Length of package(cms) | yes | ||||
| Integer | Weight of package(grams for Clickpost/kilograms for Shiprocket) | yes | ||||
| Boolean | True if billing and shipping address are the same | yes |
| String | Can be “CLICKPOST” or “SHIPROCKET”, specifies which aggregator type to use for Order Creation | yes |
| String | Warehouse Code | yes |
"shippingAndBillingAddressSame": true,
"logisticAggregatorType": "CLICKPOST",
"warehouseCode": "wh-1"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
| String | PDF Url of the shipping label |
| String | Courier name |
| String | Awb Number |
What is the difference between the Create Order API call and Generate Shipping Label API call?
The Create Order API call is used for creating the order on the logistics aggregator portal. Once the order has been created on the logistics aggregator portal, the Generate Shipping Label API call can be made to generate the awb.
Is the Create Order API call required for all logistic aggregators?
No, it is just required for Shiprocket.
For Clickpost and Shipway, if the Generate Shipping Label API call is made directly, then the order creation and AWB generation happens in this same call on the logistic aggregator portal.
Can we have multiple logistic aggregator accounts?
Yes, you can configure multiple logistic aggregator accounts. If there are multiple accounts, then the field “logisticAccountAlias“ has to be passed to identify the account.
If only single account is being used, then no need to pass logistic account alias.