Increff RMS (Retail Micro Services) is a set of micro services that we have developed which offer a range of invoicing and logistic aggregator solutions.
With Invoicing Solution, Increff RMS helps Brands in
Computing Tax Details - on base selling price or actual selling price
Generation of Invoices
Invoice Templates can be customized as per the requirements
Invoice Prefix and Series can be configured as per requirement
E-Invoices can be generated via the integration with Cleartax
Multiple Invoice Configurations can be maintained in a single account
With Logistic Aggregator Solution, Increff RMS helps Brands in
Generation of AWB and Shipping Label
Multiple Aggregator Account configurations can be maintained
Generation of Return AWB
Consuming notifications of tracking updates of forward and return orders
Increff RMS is also already integrated with WMS Magic for Invoice and Shipping Label generation.
High Level Architecture