If the no of Options suggested by IRIS for a Category in any Store is below the specified % of the Minimum options, that Store+ Category combination will be exited
If the number of suggested options is more than the specified % but less than the Minimum display options, then the no of options will be increased to meet the minimum display options
Returns Percentage:
Maximum allowed returns to vendor as a % of the Quantity bought for every Store+Category combination at the end of the Season
Sell Through Ratio Override:
Full Price Sell through target for every Store+Category+Sub Category+Price Bucket combination Optional Input- In the absence of this input, the Sell through automatically calculated by IRIS will be used to recommend the Buy Quantities
In-Season Planogram Quantity:
Percentage of Planogram to be filled by the new Season Styles at the launch of the Season (Drop 1)
Depth Range Segments:
Defines how the Styles can be grouped into segments based on buy quantity. Used only for reporting purpose
Microbuy Benchmark:
The minimum depth for a style at category level below which all styles will be tagged as Microbuy